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GEIST Research Profile
Group for Engineering of Intelligent Systems Technologies (GEIST)
was created in 2009 by Grzegorz J. Nalepa and Antoni Ligęza and a group of dynamic young researches.
The research interests of the Group is located in the area of computer science and artificial intelligence.
It is focused on the methods, and tools for developing and applying intelligent technologies and systems.
GEIST is mainly focused on the following areas of development and applications of intelligent technologies and systems:
- knowledge engineering including semantic information processing and explainability
- business intelligence including business process management
- ambient intelligence including context-aware systems
- affective computing with focus on emotion detection and interpretation in mobile systems
We use and develop specific methods and tools such for:
- knowledge representation and reasoning
- knowledge engineering and management
- rule-based systems
- business processes
- formal verification
- semantic annotations and ontologies
- visual design of knowledge bases
- semantic wikis for knowledge engineering
- machine learning techniques
- context-aware applications
- software engineering
The expertise of the Group includes:
- design and implementation, as well as formal verification and analysis of knowledge-based systems, mainly rule-based,
- modelling and evaluation of business rules and processes, see the Bimloq project
- distributed and collaborative knowledge management with semantic wikis, see the Loki semantic wiki system
- Semantic Knowledge Engineering methodology, including the eXtended Tabular Trees rule modeling formalism
- emotion detection and interpretation
Finally the group is active in the area international collaboration for both research and teaching:
- teaching collaboration in the scope of the Erasmus LPP
- participation of group members in the Organizing Committees international conferences and workshops, including KESE, RuleApps, and number of Program Committees see here for more details.
- see also for the AfCAI community we created
We are looking for partners, and projects – contact us!