GEIST news archive
- 30 December 2020 - Two papers in MDPI's journals! Recently, we have published papers on the ongoing research in the PACMEL project and the BIRAFFE study. The former can be seen in MDPI Energies (10.3390/en13246630; IF 2.702) and the latter in MDPI Sensors (10.3390/s21010163; IF 3.275). We hope you will enjoy them! And don't hesitate to ask if you have questions!
- 1 December 2020 - Another success in the CHIST-ERA Call! The previous project is still ongoing (PACMEL, CHIST-ERA Call 2017), but Grzegorz J. Nalepa get another grant! XPM: eXplainable Predictive Maintenance is among awarded projects in CHIST-ERA Call 2019. The project involves researchers from Poland, France, Portugal and Sweden. See the NCN announcement.
- 28 August 2020 - Our three papers will be presented during workshops @ECAI 2020! Let's talk about Framework for Affective Games' Experiments @MRC and our BIRAFFE2 dataset @HAII. We will also present some recent results from PACMEL grant during KR4L. ECAI conference is fully online this year, so it is easier to join many fascinating events - let's meet there together!
- 10 October 2019 - Invited talks at EDC, Cambridge! We were invited to give talks at a seminar in Engineering Design Centre, Cambridge. The presentations entitled Can a machine understand how you feel by watching you? (by Krzysztof Kutt, Szymon Bobek and Grzegorz J. Nalepa) and Affective Patterns in (Serious) Game Design (by Jan K. Argasiński and Grzegorz J. Nalepa) will take place on October 23, 2019.
- 24 September 2019 - BIRAFFE dataset (Bio-Reactions and Faces for Emotion-based Personalization) with ECG and GSR signals, facial expressions, personality traits and more, collected by us in the spring 2019, is now available under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licence at Zenodo!
- 3 June 2019 - A guest from Cambridge! This week Sławomir Tadeja, a guest from University of Cambridge, is visiting us. We will work hard together on our common research topics. He will also give a speech on Immersive Visual Analytics at a seminar at AGH-UST – we invite you on Wednesday 9:35 to room C2 429!
- 31 May 2019 - Paper in Sensors! Our paper on the Analysis and Use of the Emotional Context with Wearable Devices for Games and Intelligent Assistants was published in Sensors [IF 2.475]. Feel free to read and comment with us!
- 18 May 2019 - Finish of the spring experiment! Yesterday, we finished current session of affective experiments. More than 200 people took part in the 1.5h study with pictures, sounds, games, paper and gamepad. Thank you all for your help! Now we will look closely at the data. We promise to create great articles describing our results. Stay tuned!
- 26 March 2019 - Affective experiment in GEIST! We are starting the big affective experiment to further develop our ideas on wearable devices, affective computing and affective games. If you are interested in helping us as a participant, take a look at (in polish).
- 29 October 2018 - Success in the CHIST-ERA Call 2017! PACMEL (Process-aware Analytics Support based on Conceptual Models for Event Logs) is among 14 awarded projects in CHIST-ERA Call 2017. The project involves researchers from Poland, Spain and Italy and is coordinated by Grzegorz J. Nalepa. See also the NCN announcement.
- 21 September 2018 - Dedicated AfCAI page! A dedicated page on our Affective Computing-related research is now available at You can find there: description of our research network, list of AfCAI-related publications, outline of affective software and the history of AfCAI Workshops. Visit us at!
- 23 July 2018 - Press note on our results! PLUX the company behind Bitalino mentions our comparative study from ICAISC2018
- 15 July 2018 - Award on HAI 2018! "AIded with emotions" by Barbara Giżycka, Grzegorz J. Nalepa & Paweł Jemioło, our paper on the design of games with affective loop, was presented as demo at HAI and received The Popular Choice Award for the most downloaded paper of the workshop!
- 27 June 2018 - Krzysztof Kutt, PhD! The fourth doctorate in GEIST! Today, the prestigious group joined Krzysztof Kutt – congratulations and wish you further success!
- 18 June 2018 - GJN in Spain! This week, Grzegorz J. Nalepa gives two lectures at the Universidad de Murcia. Join us on Tuesday and Thursday and listen about Affective Computing and AI Technological Opportunities! More information is available here.
- 10 May 2018 - The next GEIST PhD in progress! Krzysztof Kutt has not yet defended his doctoral dissertation, but he already presented the results as a guest at the “Collective Intelligence in Information Systems” seminar in Wroclaw. Photos and slides are available at the seminar webpage.
- 18 April 2018 - The AfCAI 2018 Workshop! The second workshop on AfCAI starts tommorow at Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain. Let's talk about affective computing together!
- 13 March 2018 - Paper in FGCS! The next GEIST paper was published in FGCS Journal [IF 3.997]. Feel free to read our thoughts on “Mobile platform for affective context-aware systems”.
- 23 November 2017 - Seminarium RnD: Parallel Cooperative Hybrid Metaheuristics: some results and trendsr! Kolejne „Seminarium badawczo-rozwojowe” już w czwartek 23.11.2017 o godz. 09:30 w sali 224 C2. Prof. Salvador Abreu z University of Évora opowie o metaheurystykach wykorzustyjących zrównoleglanie solverów bazujących na standardowych heurystykach. Więcej informacji o temacie seminarium oraz sylwetka prelegenta znajdują się na stronie WWW seminarium. Zapraszamy!
- 1 October 2017 - Fresh blood in GEIST! The team has grown up with new people – two trainees: Paweł Jemioło & Piotr Misiak and one PhD candidate: Barbara Giżycka are now with us. With new strength and enthusiasm we can develop our projects in the new academic year
- 19 September 2017 - Big Loki page update! New versions of Loki and PROV plugins are available for download along with three new projects: revisionsrater, xttviewer and rdfloki. See also our visual RDF editor!
- 10 September 2017 - Rules & SKE lectures at DECLARE'17! Next week the DECLARE'17 Summer School begins. One of the lecturers will be Grzegorz J. Nalepa. He will talk about Semantic Knowledge Engineering (SKE), Rules and Context–Aware Systems. This will be supplemented by practical laboratories where participants will use many cool tools to create their own simple systems.
- 16 June 2017 - 8 GEIST papers at ICAISC 2017! GEIST is back from an exhaustive ICAISC 2017 conference in Zakopane. We have presented 8 papers there. Particular congratulations to the leaders of the work: Antoni Ligęza (co-author of 5 of them) and Szymon Bobek (co-created 3 of them)!
- 14 June 2017 - Affective lectures in Bolzano! Another guest affective lectures by GEIST – this time Grzegorz J. Nalepa will give a cycle of lectures called Affective Computing, Context and Processing at Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy.
- 13 May 2017 - News from Würzburg! Yesterday, Grzegorz J. Nalepa was a guest at University of Würzburg and took part in two events:
- First of all, as a reviewer in a PhD defense of our friend, Ludwig Ostermayer. Ludwig successfully finished his dissertation named "Integration of Prolog and Java with the Connector Architecture CAPJA". Congratulations!
- Also, he gave a guest lecture entitled "Cognitive assistants need to understand emotions. On the integration of context-aware and affective systems", presenting current GEIST research in the Affective Computing area.
- 21 March 2017 - RnD Seminar! Tommorow, Prof. María-Trinidad Herrero Ezquerro, our guest from University of Murcia, Spain will give a lecture about Measuring emotions and the influence of smell and taste. We will start at 14:00, C2-429. Join us!
- 24 November 2016 - AfCAI 2016 Workshop! We are starting the 1st Workshop on Affective Computing Context Awareness and Ambient Intelligence in Murcia with our colleagues from around the Europe. It will be two long days, but we hope they will be very productive!
- 4 October 2016 - IEEE SMC Seminar in Gdynia! We invite you to the 1st IEEE SMC Seminar in Gdynia which will take place on November 7th. One of the lectures will be delivered by Szymon Bobek! More information is available on the seminar website.
- 28 September 2016 - AfCAI at Scientists' Night! GEIST members and friends (a.k.a. AfCAI Research Group) are preparing something special for you at Scientists' Night. Visit us at cloakroom (
) at Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science, JU and dive with us and our gadgets in virtual reality…
- 28 September 2016 - The Final Countdown! Computers are prepared, rooms are refreshed, final dots are placed in the slides… We are waiting for you on first labs and lectures on Monday morning! We hope that you will learn a lot from us, as well as we will learn a lot from you, 'cause we are GEIST. We dream big and work hard!
- 17 September 2016 - GJN on the way to the hot Spain! Grzegorz J. Nalepa goes on the 3-month research trip to Murcia to give lectures at the Universidad de Murcia and to participate in extensive discussions on Affective Computing. Good luck!
- 19 July 2016 - Paper in FGCS! Emotions after his doctorate have not fallen yet, and another success on account of Szymon Bobek has been recorded – his paper “Uncertain context data management in dynamic mobile environments” was published in the Future Generation Computer Systems journal. Well done!
- 14 July 2016 - Szymon Bobek, PhD! Another doctorate with distinction in GEIST! Today, the prestigious group joined Szymon Bobek – congratulations and wish you further success!
- 6 July 2016 - Psychologist in GEIST! For a change non-computer science success of our team member: Krzysztof Kutt today defended his master's degree in Psychology at the Jagiellonian University – congratulations for perseverance and look forward to a doctorate in Computer Science!
- 13 May 2016 - Affective Computing in Berlin! Today Grzegorz J. Nalepa gave a guest lecture entitled “From Context-Awareness to Affective Computing” at the University of Berlin, presenting new interesting GEIST research area and looking for people willing to cooperate.
- 29 October 2015 - Brand new Loki page! New Loki page is now available at Take a look to see what Semantic Wiki/Business Processes and Rules plugins the GEIST Team is developing at AGH-UST!
- 17 September 2015 - Krzysztof Kluza at Stanford! Everything is already prepared and packed, Krzysztof Kluza can attack the United States! As part of the Top 500 Innovators program, he will take part in a two-month internship at Stanford University. Congratulations! We look forward to the report and we look forward to the implementation of observed patterns at our university!
- 11 September 2015 - GEIST @FedCSIS! The next edition of the FedCSIS conference begins next Sunday in Łódź. We will be there proudly represented by Mateusz Ślażyński, who will present two papers by our team. Have a successful conference!
- 24 June 2015 - GEIST @CYBCONF! With no time to rest after the previous conference, we are already on the next one! From the heart of the Tatra Mountains we went straight over to the polish sea, to attend a CYBCONF 2015 conference in Gdynia. The team of Grzegorz J. Nalepa, Szymon Bobek, Krzysztof Kutt and Krzysztof Kluza will present here two interesting papers and will participate in the General Meeting of the PSSI. Have another successful conference!
- 14 June 2015 - ICAISC in Zakopane under siege! GEIST assaults ICAISC 2015 conference, which traditionally takes place in Zakopane. The delegation composed of Grzegorz J. Nalepa, Krzysztof Kaczor, Krzysztof Kluza and Szymon Bobek presents 4 posters on our current scientific research. Good luck!
- 6 May 2015 - Seminarium RnD: Automating Divergent and Dialectical Thinking on Twitter! Kolejne „Seminarium badawczo-rozwojowe” już w środę 13.05.2015 o godz. 14:00 w sali 429 C2. Tony Veale z University College Dublin opowie nam o automatycznej kategoryzacji dywengercyjnej na Twitterze. Więcej informacji o temacie seminarium oraz sylwetka prelegenta znajdują się na stronie WWW seminarium. Zapraszamy!
- 15 April 2015 - Seminarium RnD: Analityka biznesowa w IT! Zapraszamy na kolejne „Seminarium badawczo-rozwojowe”! Już w środę 22.04.2015 o godz. 14:00 w sali 429 C2 pracownicy firmy HG Intelligence opowiedzą nam o analityce biznesowej w IT, czyli o tym jak analizować i budować software aby przynosił korzyści. Więcej informacji o temacie seminarium oraz sylwetka prelegenta znajdują się na stronie WWW seminarium. Zapraszamy!
- 31 March 2015 - GEIST at the Olympics! GEIST at the Olympics! Not a week passed from the PhD defense, and Krzysztof Kluza already went on his first doctoral delegation! He was sent to help with the Ogólnopolskiej Olimpiadzie Wiedzy Elektrycznej i Elektronicznej (Polish Olympic Games on Electrical and Electronic Knowledge). We wish you perseverance in this hard work!
- 24 March 2015 - Krzysztof Kluza, PhD! Today, Krzysztof Kluza joined the prestigious group of people with a doctorate (with honors!) - Congratulations and wish you further success in scientific work!
- 12 March 2015 - Another doctorate in GEIST! Emotions associated with the defense of the Krzysztof Kaczor's doctoral thesis not have fallen yet, and we already approaching the next important moment: on March 24, 2015 at 10:00 PhD defense of Krzysztof Kluza will begin! You're welcome! For more information about the doctorate visit EAIiIB department page.
- 24 February 2015 - Seminarium RnD: Dr. Michał Klincewicz: Studying the mind with computing technology: eyetracking and SOAR! Nowy semestr warto rozpocząć od ciekawego “Seminarium badawczo-rozwojowego”! Spotkanie pt. “Studying the mind with computing technology: eyetracking and SOAR”, które poprowadzi Dr. Michał Klincewicz (Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), odbędzie się w środę 04.03.2015 o godz. 14:00 w sali 429 C2. Więcej informacji o temacie seminarium oraz sylwetka prelegenta znajdują się na stronie WWW seminarium. Zapraszamy!
- 24 February 2015 - Krzysztof Kaczor, PhD! Today Krzysztof Kaczor defended his doctorate with honors! Congratulations and wish you further success in scientific work!
- 10 February 2015 - PhD defense in GEIST! In two weeks, February 24th, 2015 at 13:00 will start the defense of Krzysztof Kaczor's doctorate! You're welcome! More information about the doctorate can be found at the EAIiIB department page.
- 9 February 2015 - Session on CYBCONF 2015! Grzegorz J. Nalepa is a co-organizer of the Cognition in Mixed Realities (CogMiR 2015) session at the CYBCONF conference, which will take place in June. You are welcome to submit papers!
- 28 January 2015 - Kolejny rok z EIS! Już niedługo wystartuje nabór do trzeciego rocznika prowadzonej przez nas specjalności Systemy Inteligentne. Dzisiaj odbyło się spotkanie informacyjne, na którym opowiedzieliśmy zainteresowanym co ich czeka i dlaczego warto wybrać właśnie tę specjalność!
- 26 January 2015 - Guests from Würzburg! This week we host our friends from the University of Würzburg. We will exchange experience and set directions for further joint work on Semantic Wikis. Definitely something good will come out from this!
- 14 January 2015 - Seminarium RnD: Dr. Joachim Baumeister: Life around the Bottleneck - Why Knowledge Engineering still is Software Engineering and why AI should care! Serdecznie zapraszamy na przedsesyjne spotkanie z cyklu „Seminarium badawczo-rozwojowe”. Odbędzie się ono w środę 28.01.2015 o godz. 14:00 w sali 429 C2. Spotkanie pt. “Life around the Bottleneck - Why Knowledge Engineering still is Software Engineering and why AI should care” poprowadzi Dr. Joachim Baumeister. Więcej informacji o temacie seminarium oraz sylwetka prelegenta znajdują się na stronie WWW seminarium. Zapraszamy!
- 16 December 2014 - Seminarium RnD: Wojciech Caban, Contextual is new mobile! Serdecznie zapraszamy na przedświąteczne spotkanie z cyklu „Seminarium badawczo-rozwojowe”. Odbędzie się ono w środę 17.12.2014 o godz. 14:00 w sali 429 C2. Podczas wykładu pt. “Contextual is new mobile” przedstawione zostaną technologie BLE i beaconów. Prelegent opowie o biznesowych zastosowaniach, możliwościach i korzyściach jakie niosą ze sobą beacony. Więcej informacji o temacie oraz sylwetka prelegenta znajdują się na stronie WWW seminarium. Zapraszamy!
- 17 November 2014 - Guests from Siegen! This week we host employees Universität Siegen to exchange experiences and jointly work on semantic maps and more …
- 13 November 2014 - Preludium dla SBK! Projekt Szymona Bobka “Modelowanie wiedzy niepewnej i niekompletnej na potrzeby mediacji w systemach mobilnych świadomych kontekstu (KnowMe)” zajął drugie miejsce w panelu ST6 w konkursie PRELUDIUM organizowanym przez NCN! Gratulujemy otrzymanego grantu i życzymy powodzenia i wytrwałości przy jego realizacji!
- 22 August 2014 - GEIST @ECAI2014! Of course we could not miss on the largest European conference on artificial intelligence – ECAI 2014! We have organized there (jubilee!) 10. KESE workshop, watched the struggle of artificial intelligence with Angry Birds, established new contacts and listened to a lot of interesting tutorials and presentations. Special congratulations to Szymon Bobek for a great presentation on RuleML! And now, with heads full of new ideas and even greater enthusiasm, we will back to work!
- June 2014 - The first graduates of the EIS! All exams passed, theses written and defended – the first graduates of the Intelligent Systems track leave the walls of the University. Congratulations and wish you further success in your life after graduation!
- 29 May 2014 - Paper in Multimedia Tools and Applications! Paper entitled “Mobile context-based framework for threat monitoring in urban environment with social threat monitor” by Szymon Bobek, Grzegorz J. Nalepa, Antoni Ligęza, Weronika T. Adrian and Krzysztof Kaczor has appeared in the Multimedia Tools and Applications journal. We invite you to read it!
- 19 May 2014 - Seminarium RnD: prof. Mariusz Flasiński, UJ: Syntaktyczna analiza wzorców w sztucznej inteligencji! Serdecznie zapraszamy na kolejne spotkanie z cyklu „Seminarium badawczo-rozwojowe”. Odbędzie się ono w środę 28.05.2014 o godz. 14:00 w sali 429 C2. Podczas wykładu pt. “Syntaktyczna analiza wzorców w sztucznej inteligencji” przedstawione zostaną podstawy teoretyczne syntaktycznej analizy wzorców – wybrane elementy ogólnej teorii języków formalnych i automatów. Omówione zostaną podstawowe idee metodyki konstrukcji systemów sztucznej inteligencji opartych na gramatykach/automatach ciągowych i grafowych. Zaprezentowane też będą przykładowe praktyczne zastosowania syntaktycznej analizy wzorców na podstawie projektów zrealizowanych przez prelegenta w ciągu ostatnich trzydziestu lat. Więcej informacji o temacie oraz sylwetka prelegenta znajdują się na stronie WWW seminarium. Zapraszamy!
- 9 May 2014 - Seminarium RnD: Spotkanie z pracownikami firmy ABB! Serdecznie zapraszamy na kolejne spotkanie z cyklu „Seminarium badawczo-rozwojowe”. Odbędzie się ono w środę 21.05.2014 o godz. 14:00 w sali 429 C2. Wystąpi na nim trójka prelegentów: Dr Joanna Rewera – Principal IS Programmer Specialist, Jakub Druzgała – Principal Software Developer/Software Architect oraz Jarosław Baniewicz – Principal Business Analyst. Odpowiadające im tematy wystąpień to: Realne zastosowania badań operacyjnych i modeli matematycznych w oprogramowaniu, Software craftsmanship — czyli jak wygląda praca programisty oraz WAMS jako przykład projektu badawczo - rozwojowego. Więcej informacji o tematach oraz sylwetkach prelegentów znajduje się na stronie WWW seminarium. Zapraszamy!
- 8 May 2014 - Seminarium RnD: A Short Introduction to Usability Engineering and UX Design! Po przerwie świąteczno-majówkowej serdecznie zapraszamy na kolejne spotkanie z cyklu „Seminarium badawczo-rozwojowe”. Odbędzie się ono w najbliższą środę (14.05.2014) o godz. 14:00 w sali 429 C2. Spotkanie pt. A Short Introduction to Usability Engineering and UX Design poprowadzi prof. Bipin Indurkhya. Więcej informacji o temacie seminarium oraz sylwetka prelegenta znajdują się na stronie WWW seminarium. Zapraszamy!
- 18 April 2014 - Seminarium IDS: Tożsamość osobowa w internecie! Serdecznie zapraszamy na kolejne spotkanie z cyklu „Seminarium interdyscyplinarne”, które odbędą się w najbliższą środę (23.04.2014) o godz. 14:00 w sali 429 C2. Prelegentem będzie dr Wacław Branicki, filozof i pedagog. Temat spotkań to Tożsamość osobowa w internecie. Więcej informacji o temacie seminarium oraz sylwetka prelegenta znajdują się na stronie WWW seminarium. Zapraszamy!
- 14 April 2014 - GEIST Spring of Code! The next edition GEIST Spring of Code is starting. All students who want “something more” are welcome to contact and cooperation!
- 09 April 2014 - Open R&D Seminar: I am a specialist, so I'm tired of sitting behind a desk (Jestem specjalistą, więc męczy mnie siedzenie za biurkiem)! We would like to invite you to the next meeting of the open Research&Development seminar that will take place on Wednesday, April 14th at AGH UST, building C2, room 429. The speaker will be Marcin Walewski, Product Development Manager at Quantum. More information on the topic of the seminar and the speaker's profile are located on the seminar web page.
- 1 April 2014 - Prosecco in progress! Prosecco project is now at the halfway point!
- 28 March 2014 - Open IDS Seminar: Internet as a space for communication! We would like to invite you to the next meeting of the “Interdisciplinary Seminar”, which will take place on the next Wednesday (April 2nd and April, 9th) at AGH UST, building C2, room 429. The speaker will be Magdalena Szpunar, PhD, sociologist. Meetings will cover the topic of Internet as a space for communication (Internet jako przestrzeń komunikacyjna). More information on the topic of the seminar and the speaker's profile are located on the seminar web page.
- 15 March 2014 - Open IDS Seminar: Prof. Fiut! We would like to invite you to the next meetings of the “Interdisciplinary Seminar”, which will take place on the next two Wednesdays (March 19th and March, 26th) at AGH UST, building C2, room 429. The speaker will be prof. Ignacy Fiut, head of the Department of Cultural Studies and Philosophy at Faculty of Humanities, AGH UST. Meetings will cover the topic of Communication determinism in old and new media (Determinizm komunikacyjny w starych i nowych mediach). More information on the topic of the seminar and the speaker's profile are located on the seminar web page.
- 4 March 2014 - Open R&D Seminar: Big Data at Onet! Please come and join the next open Research&Development seminar that will take place on Wednesday, March 12th at AGH UST, building C2, room 429. The speaker will be Michał Cyrek, Head of IT at Onet. For more information see here.
- 4 March 2014 - Spotkanie organizacyjne dla nowych studentów EIS! Serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich studentów rozpoczynających w tym roku studia na specjalności EIS na spotkanie organizacyjne w najbliższą środę (5.03) o godz. 14:00 w sali 429 C2. Obecność obowiązkowa!
- 20 November 2013 - Open R&D Seminar on EIS! Please come and join the open seminar entitled: SUN: A Model of Visual Salience Using Natural Statistics… and its use in object and face recognition (NIMBLE) by Prof. Garrison W. Cottrell, that will take place on Wednesday, November 20th at AGH UST, building C2, room 429. For more information see here.
- 14 October 2013 - Open IDS Seminar on EIS! We invite everybody to an open seminar entitled: Neuroestetyka: sztuka wizualna (Neuroesthetics: visual art) by Stefan Florek, PhD, that will take place on Wednesday, October 23th at AGH UST, building C2, room 429 on 14:00. For more information see here.
- October 2013 - Open day at Ericpol. Do you want to not only hear, but also see how IT specialist work and what they do in Ericpol? Do you want to know the company inside out and visit its every corner, in relaxed atmosphere to talk with employees? Apply to participate in one of the groups (9:00 and 13:30) to 08/10/2013 by writing to the following address:
- June 2013 - Startup Seminar!: EIS R&D Seminar on Entrepreneurship on June 12th, gathered amazing speakers from Nearbox, BaseCRM, Innovation Nest and Google for Entrepreneurs Kraków and was a great chance to learn practical lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs! Big THANK YOU for visiting EIS!
- May 2013 - Prosecco in news: Information about Prosecco project has been published at AGH UST Website, KrakowIT and WNP.
- 11 April 2013 - Open R&D Seminar on EIS! We invite everybody to an open seminar entitled: Adaptive Learning of Context for Pattern Recognition by Prof. Marcin Grzegorzek, that will take place on Wednesday, April 17th at AGH UST, building A3/A4, room 403. For more information see here.
- 4 April 2013 - Open R&D Seminar on EIS! We invite everybody to an open seminar entitled: Business Intelligence by Konrad Siatka, Research & Business Development, Vice President Software Mind SA and Paweł Machalski, Business Development Manager, that will take place on Wednesday, April 10th at AGH UST, building A3/A4, room 403. For more information see here.
- 7 March 2013 - Open R&D Seminar on EIS! We invite everybody to an open seminar entitled: Procesy biznesowe w praktyce by Krzysztof Szczecki, R&D Department Manager and Jarosław Karpiak, Production Manager, that will take place on Wednesday, March 13th at AGH UST, building A3/A4, room 403. For more information see here.
- 6 March 2013 - First open R&D Seminar on EIS! We invite everybody to an open seminar entitled: Models, simulations and experiments, and their role in artificial intelligence by Prof. Bipin Indurkhya that will take place on Wednesday, March 6th at AGH UST, building A3/A4, room 403. For more information see here.
- February 2013 - Prosecco kick-off meeting: The Prosecco project has been officially started by the consortium. Kick-off meeting has taken place in Kraków, at AGH UST and at Softhis office.
- 18 January 2013 - We are launching a NEW TRACK for Applied Computer Science students!
An informational meeting was held at AGH. We are looking forward to starting the new exciting courses with our specialists and guest lecturers! Please visit the EIS Website
- 12 December 2012 - First edition of GEIST Winter of Code has just started!
- 19-23 November 2012 - Weronika T. Adrian took part in ICSEA 2012 conference and presented a work in progress paper on an intelligent mobile assistant system - the idea was well received by the audience
- 16 November 2012 - GEIST takes part in the Polish AI Society open seminar hosted at AGH UST.
- 14 November 2012 - the first edition of GEIST Spring of Code has been officially closed!
Successful projects have been presented, diplomas and congratulations given, now let us prepare for the GEIST Winter of Code! (info soon, initially planned meeting: 12.12.2012)
- 7-9 November 2012 - Szymon Bobek and Weronika T. Adrian took part in ICTAI 2012 conference. Szymon did a great job presenting our paper (see the photo
- 21 October 2012 - Dr hab. inż. Grzegorz J. Nalepa receives a scientific award: Nagrody Naukowe Polityka - w kategorii Nauki Techniczne. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
- 09 September 2012 - GEIST leads tutorial on FedCSIS Conference - Semantic Knowledge Engineering for Business Intelligence: concepts and tools
- 12 June 2012 - Internship options for MSc students look here for more information and contact us.
- 27 April 2012 - Erasmus program update! New bilateral agreements for universities form Spain and Germany have been signed. Check this out to learn more.
- 12 March 2012 - First edition of GEIST Spring of Code has just started!
- 6 November 2011 - GEIST reaches Cape Canaveral, preparing for the ICTAI 2011 conference.
- 2 August 2011 - Weronika T. Adrian has been ranked 7th out of 40 scientists and innovation managers chosen in the pilot edition of the Top 500 Innovators program. The group will attend a 2-months internship on knowledge transfer and research commercialization at Stanford University or MIT (details are to be announced soon…) . Read more on AGH UST Website (in polish).
- 6-8 June 2011 - Dr. Grzegorz J. Nalepa is away giving invited lectures in DKSE group in Universidad de Almería. Read more...
- 14 April 2011 - GEIST members (Grzegorz J. Nalepa & Krzysztof Kluza) gave a presentation at the Explicite Seminar about the Bimloq research project. The main objectives, current state of work, future plans, as well as possibilities of cooperation have been presented to the audience. Read more...
- 12-13 April 2011 - A photo gallery from the Ontology Workshop in Kazimierz Dolny (see the photos) appeared at the L3G Group Website.
- 31 January 2011 - Read about GEIST in “Nowoczesne standardy w komunikacji elektronicznej” - a short report from the conference in Katowice (read in polish)
- 8 December 2010 - GEIST starts a cooperation with Softhis company in the field of the Semantic Web technologies. Read more...
- 2-16 December 2010 - GEIST supports Legomotive Robots Competition organized by BEST
- 2-11.12.2009 - GEIST supports Legomotive Robots Competition organized by BEST
- 20.11.2009 - GEIST is a co-organizer of Global Entrepreneurship Week at AGH
- 19.10.2009 - GEIST prototype wiki goes online
- 8.10.2009 - First Official GEIST Meeting
pub/archive.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/09 19:34 by kkt