GEIST Research Group

We are GEIST. We dream big and work hard.

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GEIST - Group of Engineering of Intelligent SysTems

Welcome to the Webpage of GEIST Research Group :!:

The GEIST led by Professor Antoni Ligęza is a part of the Computer Science Lab at the Department of Automatics at AGH University of Science and Technology.

It is active in the areas of intelligent systems, knowledge and software engineering, Internet technologies and databases. (see the group's research profile).

The group has been involved in number of research projects. For more information see projects, publications and software.



  • 23.07.2009 - it's blistering hot and i'm sitting in a room with no air-conditioning - yeaah :!:
start.1248354647.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/07/23 13:10 by admin

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