GEIST Research Group

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pub:research:areas_of_interests [2009/07/29 11:15] adminpub:research:areas_of_interests [2011/08/04 15:29] – old revision restored wta
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-====== GEIST research areas and expertise======+====== GEIST research areas and expertise ====== 
 +((TAGCLOUD > [pub]))
 ===== AI and Expert Systems ===== ===== AI and Expert Systems =====
   * artificial intelligence,   * artificial intelligence,
-    * {{topic>ai}} 
   * knowledge-based intelligent systems   * knowledge-based intelligent systems
-    * {{topic>intelligent_systems}} 
   * knowledge engineering, knowledge representation, inference,   * knowledge engineering, knowledge representation, inference,
-    * {{topic>KE KR }} 
   * rule-based systems, tabular rule-base systems,    * rule-based systems, tabular rule-base systems, 
-    * {{topic>rules}} 
   * evaluation, verification and validation of intelligent systems,   * evaluation, verification and validation of intelligent systems,
-  * logic programming and prolog+  * logic programming and prolog.
-    * {{topic>prolog}}+
-===== Semantic Web Technologies =====+===== Control and Automation =====
-  * the semantic web and internet technologies +  * intelligent control for mobile robots 
-  * semantic knowledge wikis,+ 
 +  * plan generationplanning systems, problem solving, 
 +  * automated diagnosis.
 ===== Databases ===== ===== Databases =====
Line 26: Line 24:
   * geographical information systems (gis)   * geographical information systems (gis)
-===== Software Engineering =====+===== Formal Methods ===== 
 +  * See [[|Formal Methods Website]]
-  * software engineering methods+===== Semantic Web Technologies =====
-===== Control and Automation =====+  * the semantic web and internet technologies 
 +  * semantic knowledge wikis,
-  * intelligent control for mobile robots +===== Software Engineering =====
- +
-  * plan generation, planning systems, problem solving, +
-  * automated diagnosis.+
 +  * software engineering methods
 +Go back to → [[start|research]]

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