GEIST Research Group

We are GEIST. We dream big and work hard.

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pub:projects:start [2013/01/05 13:07] – [Completed projects] logos gjnpub:projects:start [2013/10/31 15:36] wta
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 +{{page> pub:navigation}}
 ====== GEIST Research Projects ====== ====== GEIST Research Projects ======
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 ===== Current projects ===== ===== Current projects =====
-  * **[[Prosecco]]** + 
-  * **[[SaMURaI]]** +==== Prosecco ==== 
-  * **[[HiBuProBuRul]]** + 
-  * **[[INDECT]]**+{{:pub:projects:prosecco:prosecco-logo.png?direct&w100 |}} 
 +[[.prosecco:start|Read more on Prosecco]] 
 +which is a 32 months long NCBR PBS project started in 2012-12. 
 +The goal of the project is to address the needs and constraints of small and medium enterprises (SME) by designing methods that will significantly improve their Business Process Management systems. 
 +See [[|the official project webpage at:]] 
 +==== SaMURaI ==== 
 +{{pub:projects:samurai:samurai-logo.png?direct&w80 |}} 
 +[[.samurai:start|Read more on SaMURaI]]
 +which is a 24 months long NCN project started in 2012-09. 
 +The main objective of the project is 
 +the development of a  
 +//Semantic Method for Unified Rules Interoperability in Knowledge-Based Systems//
 +==== HiBuProBuRul ==== 
 +{{:pub:projects:hibuproburul:hibuproburul-logo-transparent.png?direct&w100 |}} 
 +[[.hibuproburul:start|Read more on HiBuProBuRul]]
 +which is a 24 months long NCN project started in 2012-09. 
 +The main objective of the project is 
 +the development of a 
 +//Methodology for designing Hierarchical Business Processes integrated with Business Rules//. 
 +==== INDECT ==== 
 +{{:pub:projects:indect:indect-logo.png?direct&w120 |}} 
 +[[.indect:start|Read more on GEIST participation INDECT]]
 +which is a large EU collaboration project coordinated by [[|Department of Telecommunications of AGH]]. 
 +The aim of the project is the development of an 
 +intelligent information system supporting observation, searching and detection for security of citizens in urban environment. 
 +See [[|the official project webpage at:]]
 ===== Completed projects ===== ===== Completed projects =====
-  * {{:pub:projects:parnas:parnas-logo.png?w50| }} **[[Parnas]]**, 18 month long NCN project on // tools for inference control and quality analysis in modularized rulebases//, see [[|the project webpage at:]] +==== Parnas ==== 
-  {{:pub:projects:bimloq-logo-transparent.png?w70| }} **[[BIMLOQ]]**, 32 month long NCN project on //business models and processes optimization for quality//, see [[|the project webpage at:]] + 
-  {{:pub:projects:hekatelogo.png?direct&w30| }} **[[HeKatE]]**, 30 month long NCN project on //hybrid knowledge engineering methodology for knowledge-based systems//, see [[|the project webpage at:]]+{{:pub:projects:parnas:parnas-logo.png?w100 |}}  
 +**[[.:parnas:start|Read more on Parnas]]**, which was a 18 month long NCN project on // tools for inference control and quality analysis in modularized rulebases//
 +See [[|the project webpage at:]] 
 +==== BIMLOQ ==== 
 +{{:pub:projects:bimloq:bimloq-logo-transparent.png?w140 |}}  
 +**[[.bimloq:start|Read more on BIMLOQ]]**, which was 32 month long NCN project on //business models and processes optimization for quality//
 +See [[|the project webpage at:]] 
 +==== HeKatE ==== 
 +{{:pub:projects:hekate:hekatelogo.png?direct&w60 |}}  
 +**[[.hekate:start|Read more on HeKatE]]**, which was a 30 month long NCN project on //hybrid knowledge engineering methodology for knowledge-based systems//
 +See [[|the project webpage at:]]
-===== Past projects =====+===== Related projects =====
 The members of the group were involved in several projects. The members of the group were involved in several projects.
 Selected projects include: Selected projects include:
-==== Adder ====+=== Adder ===
 //ID//: KBN 4 T11C 035 2\\ //ID//: KBN 4 T11C 035 2\\
 //Timeline//: 2005→2006\\ //Timeline//: 2005→2006\\
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 [[|Adder webpage:]] [[|Adder webpage:]]
-==== Mirella ====+=== Mirella ===
 //ID//: KBN 4 T11C 027 24\\ //ID//: KBN 4 T11C 027 24\\
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 [[|Mirella webpage:]] [[|Mirella webpage:]]
-==== Regulus ====+=== Regulus ===
 //ID//: KBN 8 T11C 019 17\\ //ID//: KBN 8 T11C 019 17\\
 //Timeline//: 1999→2001\\ //Timeline//: 1999→2001\\
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 [[|Regulus webpage:]] [[|Regulus webpage:]]
pub/projects/start.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/14 19:15 by kkt

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