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pub:news [2015/03/16 15:05] – [GEIST news] kktpub:news [2023/12/18 09:30] sbk
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-<WRAP center round > + 
-  * **12 March 2015 - <color green:>Kolejny doktorat w GEIST</color>!** Jeszcze nie opadły emocje związane z obroną doktoratu [[pub:about_us:kkr|Krzysztofa Kaczora]], a już zbliżamy się do kolejnej ważnej chwili: **24 marca 2015** o godzinie **10:00** rozpocznie się obrona doktoratu **[[pub:about_us:kkl|Krzysztofa Kluzy]]**! Serdecznie zapraszamy! Więcej informacji o doktoracie można znaleźć [[|na stronie wydziału EAIiIB]].+<WRAP center round >  
 +{{ :aira:tomasz-stebel-foto.png?nolink&90|}}  
 +  * **18 December 2023  [AIRA seminar] <color green> Tomasz Stebel</color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]].  Tomasz StebelAssistant Professor @ Jagiellonian University will give talk entitled **Sampling states in statistical physics with neural networks 
 +**  The meeting will start on **Thursday (21.12.2023) at 15:50**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 <WRAP clear></WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP>
 +<WRAP center round > 
 +{{ :aira:jeremi-ochab-foto.jpg?nolink&90|}} 
-<WRAP center round > +  * **29 November 2023  [AIRA seminar] <color green> Jeremi Ochab</color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]].  Jeremi OchabAssistant Professor @ Jagiellonian University will give a talk entitled ** Fractal and multifractal organisation of neuroimaging signals in cognitive tasks and in disease**  The meeting will start on **Thursday (07.12.2023) at 15:50**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
-{{ :pub:teaching:courses:mklincewicz.jpg?nolink&100|}} +
-  * **24 February 2015 - <color green:>Seminarium RnD: Dr. Michał Klincewicz: Studying the mind with computing technology: eyetracking and SOAR</color>!** Nowy semestr warto rozpocząć od ciekawego "Seminarium badawczo-rozwojowego"! Spotkanie pt. //"Studying the mind with computing technologyeyetracking and SOAR"//, które poprowadzi **Dr. Michał Klincewicz** (Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), odbędzie się w środę **04.03.2015 o godz. 14:00 w sali 429 C2**. Więcej informacji o temacie seminarium oraz sylwetka prelegenta znajdują się na [[pub:teaching:courses:rnd#section20150304|stronie WWW seminarium]]. Zapraszamy!+
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 <WRAP clear></WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP>
 +<WRAP center round > 
 +{{ :aira:andrzej-siodmok-foto.png?nolink&90|}} 
-<WRAP center round > +  * **27 November 2023  [AIRA seminar] <color green> Andrzej Siódmok</color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]].  Andrzej Siódmok, Professor @ Jagiellonian University will give a talk entitled ** Towards a deep learning model for hadronization - an example of the application of the ML generative models in high-energy physics.**  The meeting will start on **Thursday (30.11.2023) at 15:30**\\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
-  * **24 February 2015 - <color green:>Dr inż. Krzysztof Kaczor</color>!** W dniu dzisiejszym [[pub:about_us:kkr|Krzysztof Kaczor]] obronił swój doktorat z wyróżnieniem! Gratulujemy i życzymy dalszych sukcesów w pracy naukowej!+
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 <WRAP clear></WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP>
 +<WRAP center round > 
 +{{ :aira:joanna-korjakowska-foto.jpg?nolink&90|}} 
-<WRAP center round > +  * **12 November 2023  [AIRA seminar] <color green> Joanna Jaworek-Korjakowska</color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]].  Joanna Jaworek-KorjakowskaProfessor @ AGH UST will give a talk entitled ** The Impact of Artifacts on the Effectiveness of Deep Learning**. The meeting will start on **Thursday (<del>16</del>23.11.2023) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
-  * **10 February 2015 - <color green:>Obrona doktoratu w GEIST</color>!** Już za dwa tygodnie, **24 lutego 2015** o godzinie **13:00** rozpocznie się obrona doktoratu **[[pub:about_us:kkr|Krzysztofa Kaczora]]**! Serdecznie zapraszamy! Więcej informacji o doktoracie można znaleźć [[|na stronie wydziału EAIiIB]].+
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 <WRAP clear></WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP>
 +<WRAP center round > 
 +{{ :aira:jan-argasinski-foto.png?nolink&90|}} 
-<WRAP center round > +  * **31 October 2023  [AIRA seminar] <color green> Jan Argasiński</color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]] Jan K. Argasiński, PhD - Institute of Applied Computer Science, Jagiellonian University in Krakow will give a talk entitled ** Neuroscientific Inspirations in AI: Spiking Neural Networks**The meeting will start on **Thursday (09.11.2023) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting linkabstract, biogram, full schedule).//
-  * **9 February 2015 - <color green:>Sesja na CYBCONF 2015</color>!** [[pub:about_us:gjn|Dr hab. inżGrzegorz JNalepa]] jest współorganizatorem sesji [[|Cognition in Mixed Realities (CogMiR 2015)]] na konferencji CYBCONFktóra odbędzie się w czerwcuZapraszamy do zgłaszania artykułów!+
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 <WRAP clear></WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP>
 +<WRAP center round > 
 +{{ :aira:jakub-jakubowski-foto.jpg?nolink&90|}} 
-<WRAP center round > +  * **20 October 2023  [AIRA seminar] <color green> Jakub Jakubowski </color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]].  Jakub JakubowskiPhD Candidate @ AGH UST will give talk entitled **Synthetic Data Generator for Predictive Maintenance in Steel Manufacturing**. The meeting will start on **Thursday (26.10.2023) at 15:30**\\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
-  * **28 January 2015 - <color green:>Kolejny rok z EIS</color>!** Już niedługo wystartuje nabór do trzeciego rocznika prowadzonej przez nas specjalności [[|Systemy Inteligentne]]. Dzisiaj odbyło się spotkanie informacyjnena którym opowiedzieliśmy zainteresowanym co ich czeka i dlaczego warto wybrać właśnie tę specjalność!+
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 <WRAP clear></WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP>
 +<WRAP center round > 
 +{{ :aira:raquel-espinosa-foto.jpg?nolink&90|}} 
-<WRAP center round > +  * **13 October 2023  [AIRA seminar] <color green> Raquel Espinosa </color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]].  Raquel Espinosa, University of Murcia will give a talk entitled **Multi-objective evolutionary feature selection with deep learning applied to air quality spatio-temporal forecasting**. The meeting will start on **Thursday (19.10.2023) at 15:30**\\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
-  * **26 January 2015 - <color green:>Goście z Würzburga</color>!** W tym tygodniu gościmy naszych przyjaciół z Universität WürzburgWymieniamy się doświadczeniami i ustalamy kierunki dalszej wspólnej pracy nad semantycznymi wikiNa pewno wyjdzie z tego coś dobrego!+
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 <WRAP clear></WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP>
-<WRAP center round > 
-{{ :pub:joba.jpg?nolink&100|}} 
-  * **14 January 2015 - <color green:>Seminarium RnD: Dr. Joachim Baumeister: Life around the Bottleneck - Why Knowledge Engineering still is Software Engineering and why AI should care</color>!** Serdecznie zapraszamy na przedsesyjne spotkanie z cyklu „Seminarium badawczo-rozwojowe”. Odbędzie się ono w środę **28.01.2015 o godz. 14:00 w sali 429 C2**. Spotkanie pt. //"Life around the Bottleneck - Why Knowledge Engineering still is Software Engineering and why AI should care"// poprowadzi **Dr. Joachim Baumeister**. Więcej informacji o temacie seminarium oraz sylwetka prelegenta znajdują się na [[pub:teaching:courses:rnd#section20150128|stronie WWW seminarium]]. Zapraszamy! 
-<WRAP clear></WRAP>+<WRAP center round  
 +{{ :aira:przemyslaw-witaszczyk-foto.png?nolink&90|}} 
-<WRAP center round > +  * **09 October 2023  [AIRA seminar] <color green> Przemysław Witaszczyk </color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]].  Przemysław Witaszczyk, assistant professor @ Jagiellonian University will give a talk entitled ** Reflections after Digital Dragons 2023**. The meeting will start on **Thursday (12.10.2023) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
-{{ :pub:wojciech-caban.jpg?nolink&100|}} +
-  * **16 December 2014 - <color green:>Seminarium RnD: Wojciech Caban, Contextual is new mobile</color>!** Serdecznie zapraszamy na przedświąteczne spotkanie z cyklu „Seminarium badawczo-rozwojowe”Odbędzie się ono w środę **17.12.2014 o godz14:00 w sali 429 C2**. Podczas wykładu pt. //"Contextual is new mobile"// przedstawione zostaną technologie BLE i beaconów. Prelegent opowie o biznesowych zastosowaniach, możliwościach i korzyściach jakie niosą ze sobą beacony. Więcej informacji o temacie oraz sylwetka prelegenta znajdują się na [[|stronie WWW seminarium]]. Zapraszamy!+
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 <WRAP clear></WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP>
-<WRAP center round > +<WRAP center round >  
-  * **17 November 2014 - <color green:>Goście z Siegen</color>!** W tym tygodniu gościmy pracowników Universität Siegen, by wymienić się doświadczeniami i wspólnie popracować nad mapami semantycznymi i nie tylko...+ 
 +  * **30 July 2023 - <color green>Summary of [[|the AfCAI 2022 workshop]]</color>** (along with all other IWINAC 2022 sessions) made by [[pub:about_us:kkt|Krzysztof Kutt]] and [[pub:about_us:gjn|Grzegorz JNalepa]] is now published in Information Fusion!([[|10.1016/j.inffus.2023.101945]]; **IF 18.6**)
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 <WRAP clear></WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP>
-<WRAP center round > +<WRAP center round >  
-  * **13 November 2014 - <color green:>Preludium dla SBK</color>!** Projekt [[pub:about_us:sbk|Szymona Bobka]] "Modelowanie wiedzy niepewnej i niekompletnej na potrzeby mediacji w systemach mobilnych świadomych kontekstu (KnowMe)" zajął drugie miejsce w panelu ST6 w konkursie PRELUDIUM organizowanym przez [[|NCN]]! Gratulujemy otrzymanego grantu i życzymy powodzenia i wytrwałości przy jego realizacji! +{{ :aira:sepideh-pashami-foto.png?nolink&90|}} 
 +  * **20 June 2023 -  [AIRA tutorial] <color green> Sepideh Pashami </color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]].  Sepideh Pashami, Senior researcher @ RISE research institutes of Sweden will give a talk entitled **Domain Adaptation for Predictive Maintenance**. The meeting will start on **Thursday (29.06.2023) at 15:30 in hybrid mode**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 <WRAP clear></WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP>
 +<WRAP center round > 
 +{{ :aira:sepideh-pashami-foto.png?nolink&90|}} 
-<WRAP center round > +  * **19 June 2023  [AIRA tutorial] <color green> Sepideh Pashami </color>** We kindly invite you to the tutorial on causal inference, which will be part of the the [[|AIRA series]].  Sepideh Pashami, Senior researcher @ RISE research institutes of Sweden will give a talk entitled **Causal Inference and its Connection to Machine Learning**The meeting will start on **Monday (26.06.2023) at 14:00 in hybrid mode**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting linkabstract, biogram, full schedule).//
-  * **22 August 2014 - <color green:>GEIST @ECAI2014</color>!** Oczywiście nie mogło nas zabraknąć na największej europejskiej konferencji o sztucznej inteligencji - [[|ECAI 2014]]! Zorganizowaliśmy tam (jubileuszowy!) [[|10. workshop KESE]], obejrzeliśmy zmagania sztucznej inteligencji z [[|Angry Birds]], nawiązaliśmy nowe kontakty oraz posłuchaliśmy wielu ciekawych tutoriali i prezentacjiSzczególne gratulacje składamy [[pub:about_us:sbk|Szymonowi Bobkowi]] za świetną prezentację na RuleML! A teraz z głowami pełnymi nowych pomysłów i jeszcze większym zapałem wracamy do pracy!+
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 <WRAP clear></WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP>
 +<WRAP center round > 
 +{{ :aira:mkk-foto.png?nolink&90|}} 
-<WRAP center round > +  * **19 June 2023  [AIRA seminar] <color green> Michał Kuk </color>** We kindly invite you the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]].  Michał KukPhD Candidate @ AGH University of Science and Technology will give a talk entitled **Time-Series Complexity into Understandable Prototypes: A Generic Approach to Machine Learning Explanations in Industrial Processes**The meeting will start on **Thursday (22.06.2023) at 15:30**\\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
-  * **June 2014 - <color green:>Pierwsi absolwenci EIS</color>!** Absolutoria uzyskaneprace magisterskie napisane i obronione - pierwsi absolwenci specjalności Systemy Inteligentne opuszczają mury AGH. Gratulujemy i życzymy dalszych sukcesów w życiu po studiach! :-)+
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 <WRAP clear></WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP>
 +<WRAP center round > 
 +{{ :aira:przemyslaw-stanisz-foto.jpg?nolink&90|}} 
-<WRAP center round > +  * **22 May 2023  [AIRA seminar] <color green> Przemysław Stanisz </color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]].  Artur MiroszewskiPrzemysław StaniszPhD, ArcelorMittal Poland will give a talk entitled **Modeling of advanced nuclear systems** will start on **Thursday (25.05.2023) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
-  * **29 May 2014 - <color green:>Artykuł w Multimedia Tools and Applications</color>!** Artykuł "Mobile context-based framework for threat monitoring in urban environment with social threat monitor" autorstwa [[pub:about_us:sbk|Szymona Bobka]], [[pub:about_us:gjn|Grzegorza JNalepy]][[pub:about_us:ali|Antoniego Ligęzy]][[pub:about_us:wta|Weroniki TAdrian]] i [[pub:about_us:kkr|Krzysztofa Kaczora]] ukazał się w czasopiśmie Multimedia Tools and Applications. [[|Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z nim!]]+
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 <WRAP clear></WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP>
 +<WRAP center round > 
 +{{ :aira:artur-miroszewski-foto.jpeg?nolink&90|}} 
-<WRAP center round > +  * **12 May 2023  [AIRA seminar] <color green> Artur Miroszewski </color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]].  Artur Miroszewski, Postdoctoral researcher @ Jagiellonian University will give a talk entitled **Use of quantum computation in satellite data analysis** will start on **Thursday (18.05.2023) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
-{{ :pub:mflasinski.jpg?nolink&100|}} +
-  * **19 May 2014 - <color green:>Seminarium RnD: prof. Mariusz Flasiński, UJ: Syntaktyczna analiza wzorców w sztucznej inteligencji</color>!** Serdecznie zapraszamy na kolejne spotkanie z cyklu „Seminarium badawczo-rozwojowe”Odbędzie się ono w środę **28.05.2014 o godz. 14:00 w sali 429 C2**. Podczas wykładu pt. //"Syntaktyczna analiza wzorców w sztucznej inteligencji"// przedstawione zostaną podstawy teoretyczne syntaktycznej analizy wzorców – wybrane elementy ogólnej teorii języków formalnych i automatów. Omówione zostaną podstawowe idee metodyki konstrukcji systemów sztucznej inteligencji opartych na gramatykach/automatach ciągowych i grafowych. Zaprezentowane też będą przykładowe praktyczne zastosowania syntaktycznej analizy wzorców na podstawie projektów zrealizowanych przez prelegenta w ciągu ostatnich trzydziestu lat. Więcej informacji o temacie oraz sylwetka prelegenta znajdują się na [[|stronie WWW seminarium]]. Zapraszamy!+
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 <WRAP clear></WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP>
-<WRAP center round > +<WRAP center round >  
-{{ :pub:abb-logo.png?nolink&100|}} +{{ :aira:joao-gama-foto.png?nolink&90|}} 
-  * **9 May 2014 - <color green:>Seminarium RnD: Spotkanie z pracownikami firmy ABB</color>!** Serdecznie zapraszamy na kolejne spotkanie z cyklu „Seminarium badawczo-rozwojowe”. Odbędzie się ono w środę 21.05.2014 o godz. 14:00 w sali 429 C2. Wystąpi na nim trójka prelegentów: **Dr Joanna Rewera** --  Principal IS Programmer Specialist, **Jakub Druzgała** -- Principal Software Developer/Software Architect oraz **Jarosław Baniewicz** -- Principal Business Analyst. Odpowiadające im tematy wystąpień to: **Realne zastosowania badań operacyjnych i modeli matematycznych w oprogramowaniu**, **Software craftsmanship — czyli jak wygląda praca programisty** oraz **WAMS jako przykład projektu badawczo - rozwojowego**. Więcej informacji o tematach oraz sylwetkach prelegentów znajduje się na [[pub:teaching:courses:rnd#section20140521|stronie WWW seminarium]]. Zapraszamy!+
 +  * **08 May 2023 -  [AIRA seminar] <color green> Joao Gama </color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]].  Joao Gama, Full Professor @ School of Economics, University of Porto will give a talk entitled **Current Trends in Learning from Data Streams** will start on **Thursday (11.05.2023) at 15:30 in hybrid mode!**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 <WRAP clear></WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP>
-<WRAP center round > 
-{{ :pub:rnd2013-bipin-small-flipped.png?nolink&100|}} 
-  * **8 May 2014 - <color green:>Seminarium RnD: A Short Introduction to Usability Engineering and UX Design</color>!** Po przerwie świąteczno-majówkowej serdecznie zapraszamy na kolejne spotkanie z cyklu „Seminarium badawczo-rozwojowe”. Odbędzie się ono w najbliższą środę (14.05.2014) o godz. 14:00 w sali 429 C2. Spotkanie pt. **A Short Introduction to Usability Engineering and UX Design** poprowadzi **prof. Bipin Indurkhya**. Więcej informacji o temacie seminarium oraz sylwetka prelegenta znajdują się na [[pub:teaching:courses:rnd#section20140514|stronie WWW seminarium]]. Zapraszamy! 
-</WRAP>+<WRAP center round  
 +{{ :aira:mateusz-bulat-foto.jpg?nolink&90|}} 
 +  * **17 Apr 2023 -  [AIRA seminar] <color green> Mateusz Bułat </color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]].  Mateusz Bułat, PhD Candidate @ Jagiellonian University will give a talk entitled **Syntactic Pattern Recognition in Medical Applications** will start on **Thursday (20.04.2023) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 <WRAP clear></WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP>
-<WRAP center round > +<WRAP center round >  
-{{ :pub:teaching:courses:branicki-small.jpg?nolink&100|}} +{{ :aira:edyta-kuk-foto.jpg?nolink&90|}} 
-  * **18 April 2014 - <color green:>Seminarium IDS: Tożsamość osobowa w internecie</color>!** Serdecznie zapraszamy na kolejne spotkanie z cyklu „Seminarium interdyscyplinarne”, które odbędą się w najbliższą środę (23.04.2014) o godz. 14:00 w sali 429 C2. Prelegentem będzie **dr Wacław Branicki**, filozof i pedagog. Temat spotkań to **Tożsamość osobowa w internecie**. Więcej informacji o temacie seminarium oraz sylwetka prelegenta znajdują się na [[pub:teaching:courses:ids#tozsamosc_osobowa_w_internecie|stronie WWW seminarium]]. Zapraszamy!+
 +  * **07 Apr 2023 -  [AIRA seminar] <color green> Edyta Kuk </color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]].  Edyta Kuk, PhD Candidate @ AGH UST will give a talk entitled **Machine Learning-based industrial process control with explainable decision support** will start on **Thursday (13.04.2023) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 +<WRAP clear></WRAP>
 +<WRAP center round > 
 +{{ :pub:loki-logo.png?nolink&90|}} 
 +  * **30 Mar 2023 - <color green>Loki -- the semantic wiki for collaborative knowledge engineering</color>** The last ten years of development of our [[|semantic wiki Loki]] has been just summarized in a paper in Expert Systems with Applications ([[|10.1016/j.eswa.2023.119968]]; **IF 8.665**). Take a look at the paper and do not hesitate to use our wiki in your projects!
 <WRAP clear></WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP>
 +<WRAP center round > 
 +{{ :aira:marcin-grzegorzek-foto.jpg?nolink&90|}} 
 +  * **25 Mar 2023 -  [AIRA seminar] <color green> Marcin Grzegorzek </color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]].  Marcin Grzegorzek, full professor of medical informatics @ University of Lübeck will give a talk entitled **Profiling Humans Using Pattern Recognition Algorithms** will start on **Thursday (30.03.2023) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 +<WRAP clear></WRAP>
-<WRAP center round > +<WRAP center round >  
-  * **14 April 2014 - <color green:>GEIST Spring of Code</color>!** Startuje kolejna edycja [[|GEIST Spring of Code]]. Wszystkich studentówktórzy chcą "czegoś więcej" zapraszamy do kontaktu i współpracy!+ 
 +{{ :aira:amira-soliman-foto.jpg?nolink&90|}}  
 +  * **20 Mar 2023  [AIRA seminar] <color green> Amira Soliman,  
 +Awais Ashfaq,  
 +Atiye Sadat Hashemi </color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]] Amira Soliman, assistant professor @ Halmstad University, Awais Ashfaq, research scientist @ Region Halland and post-doc @ Halmstad University Atiye Sadat Hashemi, postdoctoral researcher @ Halmstad University  will give a talk entitled **Using AI in healthcare – from outcome prediction through targeted interventions to EHR anonymisation** will start on **Thursday (23.03.2023) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting linkabstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 +<WRAP clear></WRAP>
 +<WRAP center round > 
 +{{ :aira:bartosz-zielinski-foto.jpeg?nolink&90|}}
 +  * **13 Mar 2023 -  [AIRA seminar] <color green> Bartosz Zieliński </color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]].  Bartosz Zieliński, Associate Professor  @ Jagiellonian University  will give a talk entitled **Interpretable Deep Learning with Prototypical Parts** will start on **Thursday (16.03.2023) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 <WRAP clear></WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP>
 +<WRAP center round > 
 +{{ :aira:antonio-martinez-foto.jpg?nolink&90|}}
 +  * **20 Feb 2023 -  [AIRA seminar] <color green> Antonio Martinez-Sanchez, </color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]].  Antonio Martinez-Sanchez, Tenure-track Professor  @ University of Murcia, Spain  will give a talk entitled **Computational methods for Cryo-Electron Tomography: current challenges** will start on **Thursday (02.03.2023) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 +<WRAP clear></WRAP>
 +<WRAP center round > 
 +{{ :aira:stella-heras-foto.jpeg?nolink&90|}}
 +  * **19 Jan 2023 -  [AIRA seminar] <color green> Stella Heras </color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]].  Stella Heras, Assistant Professor @ Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) Spain  will give a talk entitled **Automatic Analysis of Argumentative Discourse and Argumentation-based Human Persuasion** will start on **Thursday (26.01.2023) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 +<WRAP clear></WRAP>
-<WRAP center round > +<WRAP center round >  
-{{ pub:teaching:courses:marcin_walewski.jpg?nolink&100|}} +{{ :aira:bartosz-sobol-foto.jpg?nolink&90|}} 
-  * **09 April 2014 - <color green:>Seminarium RnD: Jestem specjalistą, więc męczy mnie siedzenie za biurkiem</color>!** Serdecznie zapraszamy na kolejne spotkanie z cyklu „Seminarium badawczo-rozwojowe”, które odbędzie się w najbliższą środę, **16.04.2014 o godz14:00 w sali 429 C2**. Prelegentem będzie p. **Marcin Walewski, Product Development Manager w firmie Quantum**. Więcej informacji o temacie seminarium oraz sylwetka prelegenta znajdują się na [[pub:teaching:courses:rnd#section20140416|stronie seminarium]]. Zapraszamy!+  * **16 Jan 2023  [AIRA seminar] <color green> Bartosz Soból </color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]] Bartosz Soból, PhD Candidate @ Jagiellonian University will give a talk entitled **Hypernetwork approach to few-shot learning** will start on **Thursday (19.01.2023) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 <WRAP clear></WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP>
 +<WRAP center round > 
 +{{ :aira:candela-hernandez-foto.jpg?nolink&90|}}
 +  * **04 Jan 2023 -  [AIRA seminar] <color green> Candela Hernández </color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]].  Candela Hernández , Assistant Professor @ Complutense University will give a talk entitled **Machine learning applications in Biological Anthropology** will start on **Thursday (12.01.2023) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 +<WRAP clear></WRAP>
-<WRAP center round > +<WRAP center round >  
-  * **1 April 2014 - <color green:>łmetek Prosecco</color>!** Projekt [[|Prosecco]] jest już na półmetku!+{{ :aira:przemyslaw-spurek-foto.jpg?nolink&90|}} 
 +  * **12 Dec 2022  [AIRA seminar] <color green> Przemysław Spurek</color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]] Przemysław Spurek, Assistant Professor @ Jagiellonian University will give a talk entitled **Hypernetwork approach to few-shot learning** will start on **Thursday (15.12.2022) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 +<WRAP clear></WRAP>
 +<WRAP center round > 
 +{{ :aira:roman-sosnowski-foto.jpg?nolink&90|}}
 +  * **05 Dec 2022 -  [AIRA seminar] <color green>Roman Sosnowski, Piotr Tylus, Jadwiga Kita-Huber, Remigiusz Sapa, Grzegorz J. Nalepa, Krzysztof Kutt​</color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]]. Roman Sosnowski, Piotr Tylus, Jadwiga Kita-Huber, Remigiusz Sapa, Grzegorz J. Nalepa, and Krzysztof Kutt​ will give a talk entitled **Digitalization of library handwriting resources and opportunities for Artificial Intelligence. The case of Autographa Sammlung in the Jagiellonian Library​
 +** will start on **Thursday (08.12.2022) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 <WRAP clear></WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP>
 +<WRAP center round > 
 +{{ :aira:marcin-tutajewski-foto.png?nolink&90|}}
 +  * **25 Nov 2022 -  [AIRA seminar] <color green>Marcin Tutajewski</color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]]. Marcin Tutajewski, PhD Candidate @ Jagiellonian University will give a talk entitled **Detection of multiple sclerosis from EEG signals using machine learning methods** will start on **Thursday (01.12.2022) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 +<WRAP clear></WRAP>
-<WRAP center round > +<WRAP center round >  
-{{ :pub:teaching:courses:zdjecie_szpunar.jpg?nolink&100|}} +{{ :aira:bartlmiej-malkus-foto.jpeg?nolink&90|}} 
-  * **28 March 2014 - <color green:>Seminarium IDS: Internet jako przestrzeń komunikacyjna</color>!** Serdecznie zapraszamy na kolejne spotkania z cyklu „Seminarium interdyscyplinarne”, które odbędą się w dwie kolejne środy (02.04.2014 i 09.04.2014) o godz. 14:00 w sali 429 C2Prelegentem będzie **dr Magdalena Szpunar**, socjolog. Temat spotkań to **Internet jako przestrzeń komunikacyjna**. Więcej informacji o temacie seminarium oraz sylwetka prelegenta znajdują się na [[pub:teaching:courses:ids#internet_jako_przestrzen_komunikacyjna|stronie WWW seminarium]]. Zapraszamy!+  * **18 Nov 2022  [AIRA seminar] <color green>Bartłomiej Małkus</color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]]Bartłomiej Małkus, PhD Candidate @ Jagiellonian University will give a talk entitled **Physics guided neural networks with application to financial modeling** will start on **Thursday (24.11.2022) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).// 
 +<WRAP clear></WRAP>
 +<WRAP center round > 
 +{{ :aira:jaroslaw-duda-foto.jpg?nolink&90|}}
 +  * **10 Nov 2022 -  [AIRA seminar] <color green>dr Jarosław Duda</color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]]. Jarosław Duda, Assistant Professor @ Jagiellonian University will give a talk entitled **Hierarchical correlation reconstruction - between statistics and machine learning** will start on **Thursday (17.11.2022) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 +<WRAP clear></WRAP>
 +<WRAP center round > 
 +{{ :aira:pawel-matyszok-foto.jpg?nolink&90|}}
 +  * **10 Nov 2022 -  [AIRA seminar] <color green>Paweł Matyszok</color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]]. Paweł Matyszok, PhD Candidate @ Silesian University of Technology will give a talk entitled **Action Rules induction by Sequential Covering** will start on **Thursday (10.11.2022) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 <WRAP clear></WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP>
-<WRAP center round > +<WRAP center round >  
-{{ :pub:teaching:courses:isfiut-art7086-2000.jpg?nolink&100|}} +{{ :aira:jerzy-stefanowski-foto.jpg?nolink&90|}} 
-  * **15 March 2014 - <color green:>Seminarium IDS: prof. Fiut</color>!** Serdecznie zapraszamy na kolejne spotkania z cyklu „Seminarium interdyscyplinarne”, które odbędą się w dwie kolejne środy (19.03.2014 i 26.03.2014) o godz. 14:00 w sali 429 C2. Prelegentem będzie **prof. dr hab. Ignacy SFiut**, kierownik Katedry Kulturoznawstwa i Filozofii na Wydziale Humanistycznym AGH. Temat spotkań to **Determinizm komunikacyjny w starych i nowych mediach**. Więcej informacji o temacie seminarium oraz sylwetka prelegenta znajdują się na [[pub:teaching:courses:ids#determinizm_komunikacyjny_w_starych_i_nowych_mediach|stronie WWW seminarium]]. Zapraszamy!+  * **21 Oct 2022  [AIRA seminar] <color green>Jerzy Stefanowski</color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]]. prof. dr hab. inżJerzy Stefanowski, Poznan University of Technology  will give a talk entitled **Learning classifiers from concept drifting and imbalanced data streams** will start on **Thursday (27.10.2022) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).// 
 +<WRAP clear></WRAP>
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 +  * **18 Oct 2022 - <color green>150th anniversary of the PAU.</color>** [[|A three-day international scientific conference]] to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the [[|Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences (PAU)]] begins today. Of [[|all the intriguing sessions]], we especially invite you to the "Real and Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence" taking place on Thursday, where **[[pub:about_us:gjn|Grzegorz J. Nalepa]]** will give a talk entitled **"Can Natural Intelligence Understand Artificial Intelligence?"**.
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 +<WRAP clear></WRAP>
 +<WRAP center round > 
 +{{ :aira:maciej-mozolewski-foto.png?nolink&90|}}
 +  * **17 Oct 2022 -  [AIRA seminar] <color green>Maciej Mozolewski</color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]]. Maciej Mozolewski, PhD Candidate @ Jagiellonian University  will give a talk entitled **Artificial intelligence for support business processes** will start on **Thursday (20.10.2022) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 <WRAP clear></WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP>
-<WRAP center round > +<WRAP center round >  
-{{ pub:teaching:courses:mcyrek.jpg?nolink&100|}} +  * **20 September 2022 - <color green>Next paper published by Nature!</color>** Our next paper was published by NatureNowit is a report on perception of time in virtual reality published in Nature Scientific Reports ([[|10.1038/s41598-022-18520-1]]; **IF 4.996**)Take a look at the paper and do not hesitate to contact us if you like it!
-  * **4 March 2014 - <color green:>Seminarium RnD: Big Data w Onet</color>!** Serdecznie zapraszamy na kolejne spotkanie z cyklu „Seminarium badawczo-rozwojowe”, które odbędzie się w najbliższą środę, 12.03.2014 o godz. 14:00 w sali 429 C2. Prelegentem będzie p. Michał CyrekKierownik Działu IT w firmie Onet. Więcej informacji o temacie seminarium oraz sylwetka prelegenta znajdują się na [[pub:teaching:courses:rnd#section20140312|stronie seminarium]]. Zapraszamy!+
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 <WRAP clear></WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP>
-<WRAP center round > +<WRAP center round >  
-  * **4 March 2014 - <color green:>Spotkanie organizacyjne dla nowych studentów EIS</color>!** Serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich studentów rozpoczynających w tym roku studia na specjalności EIS na **spotkanie organizacyjne** w **najbliższą środę** (**5.03**) o godz. **14:00** w sali **429 C2**Obecność **__obowiązkowa__**!+  * **07 June 2022 - <color green>GEIST in Wrocław!</color>** [[pub:about_us:gjn|Grzegorz JNalepa]], [[pub:about_us:sbk|Szymon Bobek]] and [[pub:about_us:kkt|Krzysztof Kutt]] will highlight our key projects and results at the "[[|Collective Intelligence in Information Systems]]" seminar in Wrocław, PL. The talk, entitled **Perspectives on Applications of Intelligent Systems in Humanized AIRecent projects of the GEIST team**, will begin at 09:00 Friday (10.06.2022) and you are invited!
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
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-<WRAP center round > + 
-{{ :pub:teaching:courses:gary-with-butterfly-hells-canyon.jpeg?nolink&100|}} +<WRAP center round >  
-  * **20 November 2013 - <color green:>Open R&D Seminar on EIS</color>!** Please come and join the open seminar entitled: //SUNA Model of Visual Salience Using Natural Statistics… and its use in object and face recognition (NIMBLE) // by Prof. Garrison WCottrell, that will take place on Wednesday, November 20<sup>th</sup> at AGH UST, building C2, room 429For more information see [[pub:teaching:courses:rnd#section20131120|here]]. +  * **07 June 2022 - <color green>BIRAFFE2 Data Descriptor in Sci Data!</color>** Data Descriptor for our [[|BIRAFFE2]] dataset was published in Nature Scientific Data ([[|10.1038/s41597-022-01402-6]]; **IF 6.444**). Take a look at the paper and do not hesitate to use our dataset in your research!
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 <WRAP clear></WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP>
 +<WRAP center round > 
 +{{ :aira:marcin-hernes-foto.png?nolink&90|}}
 +  * **23 May 2022 -  [AIRA seminar] <color green>dr hab. inż. Marcin Hernes, & dr inż. Krzysztof Lutosławski  & Agata Kozina</color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]]. dr hab. inż. Marcin Hernes, prof. UEW & dr inż. Krzysztof Lutosławski assistant professor @ UEW & Agata Kozina, Ph.D. candidate @ UEW  will give a talk entitled **Artificial intelligence for support business processes** will start on **Thursday (26.05.2022) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 +<WRAP clear></WRAP>
-<WRAP center round > +<WRAP center round >  
-[[pub:teaching:courses:ids#dr_stefan_florek|{{|}}]] +{{ :aira:mateusz-hohol-foto.jpg?nolink&90|}} 
-  * **14 October 2013 - <color green:>Seminarium interdyscyplinarne EIS</color>:** Otwarte seminarium pod tytułem "Neuroestetykasztuka wizualna" poprowadzone przez dra Stefana Florka odbędzie się w środę 23.10.2013 o godz14:00 w sali 429 w pawilonie C2Serdecznie zapraszamy! [[pub:teaching:courses:ids#dr_stefan_florek|Więcej informacji...]]+  * **13 May 2022  [AIRA seminar] <color green>dr hab. Mateusz Hohol</color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]]dr habMateusz Hohol, prof. @ Jagiellonian University  will give a talk entitled **Investigating and facilitating human geometric cognition through VR/AR technologies** will start on **Thursday (19.05.2022) at 15:30**\\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 +<WRAP clear></WRAP>
 +<WRAP center round > 
 +{{ :aira:magdalena-wiercioch-foto.jpg?nolink&90|}}
 +  * **30 April 2022 -  [AIRA seminar] <color green>Magdalena Wiercioch</color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]]. Magdalena Wiercioch, PhD Candidate @ UJ  will give a talk entitled **Machine Learning in Drug Discovery: Applications and Techniquesy** will start on **Thursday (05.05.2022) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 +<WRAP clear></WRAP>
-<WRAP center round >+<WRAP center round >  
 +{{ :aira:maciej-szelazek-foto.jpg?nolink&90|}} 
 +  * **11 April 2022 -  [AIRA seminar] <color green>Maciej Szelążek</color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]]. Maciej Szelążek, PhD Candidate @ AGH UST will give a talk entitled **Semantic Data Mining Based Decision Support for Quality Assessment in Steel Industry** will start on **Thursday (14.04.2022) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).// 
 +<WRAP clear></WRAP>
-  * **October 2013 - <color green:>Zapraszamy na dzień otwarty w Ericpolu</color>**. Chcesz nie tylko usłyszećale także zobaczyć jak pracują i czym zajmują się informatycy w Ericpolu? Chcesz poznać tą firmę od podszewki, zwiedzić każdy jej zakątekw niezoobowiązującej atmosferze porozmawiać z pracownikami? Zgłoś chęć udziału w jednej z grup (9:00 lub 13.30do 08.10.2013 pisząc na adres:<WRAP center round >  
 +{{ :aira:przemyslaw-kazienko-foto.jpg?nolink&90|}} 
 +  * **04 April 2022  [AIRA seminar] <color green>Przemysław Kazienko & Jan Kocoń</color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]]Przemysław KazienkoFull Professor @ Wroclaw University of Science and Technology and Jan KocońAssistant Professor @ Wroclaw University of Science and Technology will give a talk entitled **Personalized NLP** will start on **Thursday (07.04.2022at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).// 
 +<WRAP clear></WRAP>
 +<WRAP center round > 
 +{{ :aira:bartlomiej-nawara-foto.png?nolink&90|}}
 +  * **25 March 2022 -  [AIRA seminar] <color green>Bartłomiej Nawara</color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]]. Bartłomiej Nawara, PhD Candidate @ Jagiellonian University will give a talk entitled **On open problems of theory of knowledge, based on Luciano Floridi’s theory of semantic information** will start on **Thursday (31.03.2022) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 +<WRAP clear></WRAP>
-<WRAP center round > +<WRAP center round >  
-[[|{{ :pub:eis:logo_eis_color.png?nolink&100|}}]] +{{ :aira:michal-araszkiewicz-foto.png?nolink&90|}} 
-  * **June 2013 - <color green:>Startup Seminar!</color>:** EIS [[pub:teaching:courses:rnd#section20130612|R&D Seminar on Entrepreneurship]] on June 12th, gathered amazing speakers from [[|Nearbox]], [[|BaseCRM]], [[|Innovation Nest]] and [[|Google for Entrepreneurs Kraków]] and was a great chance to learn practical lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs! Big **<color red:>T</color><color orange:>H</color><color green:>A</color><color blue:>N</color><color red:>K</color><color orange:> Y</color><color green:>O</color><color blue:>U</color>** for visiting EIS! :-)+  * **18 March 2022  [AIRA seminar] <color green>dr Michał Araszkiewicz</color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]]. Dr Michał AraszkiewiczAssistant Professor @ Jagiellonian University will give a talk entitled **Artificial Intelligence and (Human Rights) Law** will start on **Thursday (24.03.2022) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).// 
 +<WRAP clear></WRAP>
 +<WRAP center round > 
 +{{ :aira:radoslaw-palosz-foto.jpg?nolink&90|}}
 +  * **11 March 2022 -  [AIRA seminar] <color green>Radosław Pałosz</color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]]. Radosław Pałosz, PhD Candidate @ UJ will give a talk entitled **Explaining the Artificial Intelligence Act** will start on **Thursday (17.03.2022) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 +<WRAP clear></WRAP>
 +<WRAP center round > 
 +{{ :aira:mtm-foto.jpg?nolink&90|}}
 +  * **10 March 2022 -  [AIRA seminar] <color green>Maciej Mozolewski</color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]]. Maciej Mozolewski, PhD Candidate @ UJ will give a talk entitled **Demonstration of InXAI framework on ensemble classifier ML model** will start on **Thursday (10.03.2022) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 +<WRAP clear></WRAP>
-<WRAP center round > 
-{{ :pub:projects:prosecco:prosecco-logo.png?nolink&100|}} 
-  * **May 2013 - <color green:>Prosecco in news</color>:** Information about [[pub:projects:prosecco:|Prosecco]] project has been published at [[[tt_news]=471&cHash=f20fee286555c17ae6402dd72eb23cc1|AGH UST Website]], [[,AGH,we,wspolpracy,z,Politechnika,Poznanska,i,firma,Softhis,pracuja,nad,system,zarzadzania.html|KrakowIT]] and [[,196361_1_0_0.html|WNP]]. 
 +<WRAP center round > 
 +{{ :aira:mkk-foto.png?nolink&90|}}
 +  * **25 February 2022 -  [AIRA seminar] <color green>Michał Kuk</color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]]. Michał Kuk, PhD Candidate @ AGH UST will give a talk entitled **Enhancing cluster analysis with explainable AI and multidimensional cluster prototypes** will start on **Thursday (03.03.2022) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 <WRAP clear></WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP>
-<WRAP center round > +<WRAP center round >  
-{{ :pub:teaching:courses:mgz-picture.jpg?nolink&100|}} +{{ :aira:vrf-foto.png?nolink&90|}} 
-  * **11 April 2013 - <color green:>Open R&D Seminar on EIS</color>!** We invite everybody to an open seminar entitled: //Adaptive Learning of Context for Pattern Recognition// by ProfMarcin Grzegorzekthat will take place on Wednesday, April 17<sup>th</sup> at AGH UST, building A3/A4, room 403. For more information see [[pub:teaching:courses:rnd#section20130417|here]]. +  * **27 January 2022  [AIRA seminar] <color green>Victor Rodriguez-Fernandez</color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]]. Victor Rodriguez-Fernandezassistant Professor at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid will give a talk entitled **Modern deep learning approaches for time series** will start on **Thursday (27.01.2022) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 <WRAP clear></WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP>
-<WRAP center round > +<WRAP center round >  
-{{ :pub:teaching:courses:software-mind-logo2.jpg?nolink&100|}} +{{ :aira:jakub-jakubowski-foto.jpg?nolink&90|}} 
-  * **4 April 2013 - <color green:>Open R&D Seminar on EIS</color>!** We invite everybody to an open seminar entitled: //Business Intelligence// by Konrad Siatka, Research & Business DevelopmentVice President Software Mind SA and Paweł Machalski, Business Development Manager, that will take place on Wednesday, April 10<sup>th</sup> at AGH UST, building A3/A4, room 403For more information see [[pub:teaching:courses:rnd#section20130410|here]]. +  * **20 January 2022  [AIRA seminar] <color green>Jakub Jakubowski</color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]]. Jakub JakubowskiPh.D. candidate at the AGH UST will give a talk entitled **Explainable anomaly detection in hot-rolling process** will start on **Thursday (20.01.2022) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
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-{{ :pub:teaching:courses:comarch_logo.png?nolink&100|}} +{{ :aira:sbk-foto.png?nolink&90|}} 
-  * **7 March 2013 - <color green:>Open R&D Seminar on EIS</color>!** We invite everybody to an open seminar entitled: //Procesy biznesowe w praktyce// by Krzysztof Szczecki, R&D Department Manager and Jarosław KarpiakProduction Manager, that will take place on Wednesday, March 13<sup>th</sup> at AGH UST, building A3/A4, room 403. For more information see [[pub:teaching:courses:rnd#section20130313|here]]. +  * **13 January 2022 [AIRA seminar] <color green>Szymon Bobek</color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]]. Szymon Bobekassistant Professor at the Jagiellonian University will give a talk entitled **Challenges in Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Industry 4.0** will start on **Thursday (13.02.2022) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
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-<WRAP center round > +<WRAP center round >  
-{{ :pub:rnd2013-bipin-small-flipped.png?nolink&100|}} +  * **31 December 2021 - <color green>Two papers for the end of the 2021!</color>** Our efforts in 2021 resulted in two papers published at the end of the year! We encourage you to read them and contact with us for more information. First one deals with the **Immersive Parallel Coordinates Plots (IPCP) system for Virtual Reality (VR)** (DOI: [[|10.3390/app12010331]]; published on 30th December in MDPI Applied Sciences; **IF 2.679**). The second one presents **our solution for predictive maintenance (PdM)** (DOI: [[|10.3390/s22010291]]; published on 31st December in MDPI Sensors; **IF 3.576**)
-  * **6 March 2013 - <color green:>First open R&D Seminar on EIS</color>!** We invite everybody to an open seminar entitled: //Models, simulations and experiments, and their role in artificial intelligence// by ProfBipin Indurkhya that will take place on Wednesday, March 6<sup>th</sup> at AGH UST, building A3/A4, room 403For more information see [[pub:teaching:courses:rnd#section20130306|here]]. +
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
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-{{ :pub:projects:prosecco:prosecco-logo.png?nolink&100|}} +{{ :aira:timos-kipouros-foto.jpg?nolink&90|}} 
-  * **February 2013 - <color green:>Prosecco kick-off meeting</color>:** The [[pub:projects:prosecco:|Prosecco]] project has been officially started by the consortiumKick-off meeting has taken place in Kraków, at AGH UST and at Softhis office.+  * **10 December 2021 [AIRA seminar] <color green>Timos Kipouros.</color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]]. Timos Kipourosa Senior Research Associate at the University of Cambridge will summarise some of the research threads being developed in the Engineering Design Centre at the University of Cambridge. His talk entitled **Visual Analytics for Aerospace and Healthcare Systems Design** will start on **Thursday (16.12.2021) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
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-[[|{{ :pub:eis:logo_eis_color.png?nolink&100|}}]] +<WRAP center round >  
-  * **18 January 2013** - <color green:>**We are launching a //[[|NEW TRACK]]// for Applied Computer Science students!**</color> :-) An informational meeting was held at AGH. We are looking forward to starting the new exciting [[|courses]] with our [[|specialists]] and guest lecturers! Please visit the [[|EIS Website]] :!:+{{ :aira:bartosz-sobol-foto.jpg?nolink&90|}} 
 +  * **3 December 2021 [AIRA seminar] <color green>Bartosz Soból.</color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]]. Bartosz Soból, a PhD Candidate at Jagiellonian University will present his research interests in a talk entitled **Recent developments of machine learning in experimental particle physics**. We start on **Thursday (09.12.2021) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
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-|| We arbitrarily decide when to move the news item from this Section to the "Archive" section at the end of this page 
-====== Archive ======+<WRAP center round >  
 +{{ :aira:gjn-foto.jpg?nolink&90|}} 
 +  * **26 November 2021 - [AIRA seminar] <color green>Grzegorz J. Nalepa.</color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]]. Professor [[pub:about_us:gjn|Grzegorz J. Nalepa]] will summarise our research done in the area of Industry 4.0 in a talk entitled **Artificial Intelligence in Industry 4.0: Data, Models, and Knowledge**. We start on **Thursday (02.12.2021) at 15:30**! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).// 
 +<WRAP clear></WRAP>
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-{{ :pub:winter_of_code:gwoc.jpg?nolink&100|}} +{{ :aira:marcin-tutajewski-foto.jpg?nolink&90|}} 
-  * **12 December 2012** - First edition of [[pub:students:winter_of_code:start|GEIST Winter of Code]] has just started!+  * **19 November 2021 - [AIRA seminar] <color green>Marcin Tutajewski.</color>** We kindly invite you to the next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]]. Marcin Tutajewski, a PhD Candidate at Jagiellonian University will present his research related to fMRI data analysis in a talk entitled **Classification of ROI-based fMRI data in short-term memory tasks using discriminant analysis and neural networks**. We start on **Thursday (25.11.2021) at 15:30**\\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
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-{{ :pub:icsea2012.jpg?nolink&100|}} +{{ :pub:about_us:kkt.jpg?nolink&90|}} 
-  * **19-23 November 2012** [[pub:about_us:wta|Weronika T. Adrian]] took part in ICSEA 2012 conference and presented a work in progress paper on an //intelligent mobile assistant// system - the idea was well received by the audience :-)+  * **15 November 2021 - [AIRA seminar] <color green>Krzysztof Kutt: AI with psychology -- a few words on affective adaptation and personalisation of intelligent systems.</color>** The next seminar in the [[|AIRA series]] will be devoted to the use of psychological methodology (in particular emotion research) in the development of intelligent systems. [[pub:about_us:kkt|Krzysztof Kutt]] will highlight the key findings of research conducted in this area by the [[|AfCAI team]]. As always, we start on **Thursday (18.11.2021) at 15:30**. You are welcome! \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
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-{{ :pub:geist2012pssi-seminar.jpg?nolink&100|}} +{{ :aira:andrzej-grabowski-foto.png?nolink&90|}} 
-  * **16 November 2012** - GEIST takes part in the [[|Polish AI Society open seminar]] hosted at AGH UST.+  * **November 2021 - [AIRA seminar] <color green>Andrzej Grabowski: Telepresence and simulators – modern use of Virtual Reality in robotics and training with possible application of AI.</color>** We invite you to the third seminar in the [[|AIRA series]]Andrzej Grabowski, head of Virtual Reality Laboratory in Department of Safety Engineering of Central Institute for Labour Protection -- National Research Institute, will show three different VR applications and discuss the possibilities of improving training simulations by using AI to modify the course of the training scenario in real-time. We start on **4 November at 15:30**. \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
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-{{ :pub:home:geistspringofcodefinish.jpg?nolink&100|}} +{{ :aira:marcin-wozniak-foto.jpg?nolink&90|}} 
-  * **14 November 2012** the first edition of [[pub:students:spring_of_code:start|GEIST Spring of Code]] has been officially closed! :-) Succesful projects have been presented, diplomas and congratulations given, now let us prepare for the **<color blue:>GEIST Winter of Code!</color>** (info sooninitially planned meeting12.12.2012+  * **25 October 2021 - [AIRA seminar] <color green>Marcin Woźniak: Smart environment – AI meets IoT.</color>** The second seminar in the [[|AIRA series]] will begin **this Thursday (28.10.2021) at 15:30**. Marcin WoźniakPhD, a Professor at Silesian University of Technology, will talk about IoT and AI-based solutions for smart enrivonments. He will show and discuss latest advances and ideas in model of data processing and automatic control of processes and devices used in these environments. \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
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-{{ :pub:home:sbk_ictai2012.jpg?100|}}  +{{ :aira:bartlmiej-malkus-foto.jpeg?nolink&90|}} 
-  * **7-9 November 2012** [[pub:about_us:sbk|Szymon Bobek]] and [[pub:about_us:wta|Weronika TAdrian]] took part in ICTAI 2012 conference. Szymon did a great job presenting our paper (see the photo ;-) ).+  * **18 October 2021 [AIRA seminar] <color green>Bartłomiej Małkus: Financial modeling with applications of machine learning and explainable AI.</color>** We invite you to the first seminar in the [[|AIRA series]]. Bartłomiej Małkus, a PhD candidate at the Jagiellonian University in Technical Computer Science, will talk about financial modelling, including financial instruments pricing, risk modeling and financial data sources that may be used for research purposes. We start on **21 October at 15:30**. \\ //See [[]] for more details (meeting link, abstract, biogram, full schedule).//
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
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-[[,1,|{{ :pub:home:gjn-nagrody-naukowe-polityka-2012.jpg?nolink&100|Grzegorz J. Nalepa Nagrody Naukowe Polityka 2012}}]] +  * **10 October 2021 - <color green>AIRA seminar!</color>** GEIST is happy to announce, that we are launching an **open, online seminar on Artificial Intelligence in Research and Applications (AIRA)**. It will be a weakly event with various guests from many different AI-related research fields as well as industry and business areas. Please save your __Thursdays between 3:30-5:00 PM Warsaw Time__. The program will be published at [[]]
-  * **21 October 2012** - [[pub:about_us:gjn|Dr hab. inż. Grzegorz J. Nalepa]] receives a scientific award: **Nagrody Naukowe Polityka - w kategorii Nauki Techniczne**. CONGRATULATIONS!!! :-[[,1,|READ MORE...]]+
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
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-<WRAP center round > +<WRAP center round >  
-  * **09 September 2012** - GEIST leads tutorial on FedCSIS Conference  - [[|Semantic Knowledge Engineering for Business Intelligence: concepts and tools]]+  * **24 June 2021 - <color green>Paper in the [[|Sensors: 20th Anniversary]] special issue!</color>** We have published one more paper in MDPI Sensors (**IF 3.576**)! We encourage you to read our review on **Semantic Data Mining in Ubiquitous Sensing** -- available in open access under DOI: [[|10.3390/s21134322]].
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
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 +  * **14 June 2021 - <color green>ICCS 2021 in Kraków (online).</color>** This week we invite you to the [[|ICCS 2021]] conference taking place remotely in Krakow, PL to listen to our five papers ([[|A Voice-based Travel Recommendation System Using Linked Open Data]], [[|Introducing Uncertainty Into Explanaible AI Methods]], [[|Towards Model-Agnostic Ensemble Explanations]], [[|Augmenting automatic clustering with expert knowledge and explanations]], [[|Explanation-driven model stacking]]) and many other interesting contributions!
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
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 +  * **14 June 2021 - <color green>Two papers were published</color>** as proceedings of [[|IEEE DSAA 2021 Conference]].[[|Explainable anomaly detection for Hot-rolling industrial process]] from XPM project (eXplainable Predictive Maintenance; CHIST-ERA-19-XAI-012)  and [[|Explainable clustering with multidimensional bounding boxes]] from [[|CHIST-ERA PACMEL]] project.
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
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 +{{ :pub:xpm-logo.jpg?nolink&90|}}
 +  * **30 April 2021 - <color green>Special Session on XPdM 2021.</color>** We would like to invite you to submit articles for the special session on Data-Driven Predictive Maintenance for Industry 4.0 (XPdM 2021) to be held on October 6-9, 2021, Porto-Portugal (Online), co-located with [[|IEEE DSAA 2021]]. It is co-organised by [[pub:about_us:gjn|Grzegorz J. Nalepa]] and linked to our XPM project (eXplainable Predictive Maintenance; CHIST-ERA-19-XAI-012). Call for papers and more information are provided at: [[]].
 <WRAP clear></WRAP> <WRAP clear></WRAP>
-  * **12 June 2012** - [[:pub:students:Internship]] options for MSc students [[:pub:students:Internship|look here for more information]] and contact us+<WRAP center round >  
 +{{ :pub:xpm-logo.jpg?nolink&90|}} 
 +  * **17 April 2021 - <color green>Summer School on Data-Driven Predictive Maintenance for Industry 4.0.</color>** A summer school sponsored by the international XPM project (eXplainable Predictive Maintenance; CHIST-ERA-19-XAI-012), in which the Polish team is led by [[pub:about_us:gjn|Grzegorz J. Nalepa]], will be held online on **October 3-5, 2021**. You are cordially invited! The Summer School is for students, researchers, and practitioners who want to **learn how to implement predictive maintenance to solve real industrial problems using machine learning approaches**. More information at: [[]]. 
 +<WRAP clear></WRAP>
-  * **27 April 2012** - Erasmus program update! New bilateral agreements for universities form Spain and Germany have been signed. Check [[pub:students:erasmus|this]] out to learn more. \\ [[pub:students:erasmus|{{:pub:erasmus:erasmus-logo.jpg?200|}}]] 
-  * **12 March 2012** - First edition of [[pub:students:spring_of_code:start|GEIST Spring of Code]] has just started! +<WRAP center round >  
-{{gallery> :pub:spring_of_code:?*.jpg&crop&lightbox }} +  * **March 2021 - <color green>PRAXAI special session at DSAA.</color>** We invite you to take part in a special session "Practical applications of explainable artificial intelligence methods (PRAXAI)" at [[|The 8th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics]]. It is related to the [[|CHIST-ERA PACMEL]] project coordinated by [[pub:about_us:gjn|Grzegorz JNalepa]]. For more details and call for papers, see [[]]. 
 +<WRAP clear></WRAP>
-{{gallery> :geist-canaveral.jpg?300x250&lightbox}} 
-  * **6 November 2011** - GEIST reaches Cape Canaveral, preparing for the [[|ICTAI 2011]] conference.  
-  * **2 August 2011** [[pub:about_us:wta|Weronika T. Adrian]] has been ranked 7th out of 40 scientists and innovation managers chosen in the pilot edition of the [[|Top 500 Innovators]] program. The group will attend a 2-months internship on knowledge transfer and research commercialization at Stanford University or MIT (details are to be announced soon...[[,,i1100:vw:2467|Read more on AGH UST Website (in polish)]].+<WRAP center round >  
 +  * **4 January 2021 - <color green>PANBA Minigrant.</color>** [[pub:about_us:kkt|Krzysztof Kutt]] received a research minigrant in the [[|DigiWorld Priority Research Area UJ]]. The project named "Personality, Affective Context and the Brain (PANBA)" is aimed at analyzing data from the [[|BIRAFFE2 experiment]] and preparing a new research procedure that includes the use of EEG.
-  * **6-8 June 2011** - [[pub:about_us:gjn|Dr. Grzegorz J. Nalepa]] is away giving invited lectures in [[|DKSE group]] in [[|Universidad de Almería]]. [[|Read more...]]+</WRAP> 
 +<WRAP clear></WRAP>
-  * **14 April 2011** - GEIST members ([[pub:about_us:gjn|Grzegorz J. Nalepa]] & [[pub:about_us:kkl|Krzysztof Kluza]]) gave a presentation at the [[|Explicite Seminar]] about the [[pub:projects:bimloq:|Bimloq]] research project. The main objectives, current state of work, future plans, as well as possibilities of cooperation have been presented to the audience. [[pub:projects:bimloq:#news|Read more...]] 
-  * **12-13 April 2011** - A photo gallery from the [[|Ontology Workshop]] in Kazimierz Dolny ([[|see the photos]]) appeared at the L3G Group Website.+</WRAP>
-  * **31 January 2011** - Read about GEIST in "Nowoczesne standardy w komunikacji elektronicznej" - a short report from the conference in Katowice ([[|read in polish]]) +<WRAP column 5%> 
-  * **8 December 2010** - GEIST starts a cooperation with [[|Softhis]] company in the field of the Semantic Web technologies. [[|Read more...]]  +<WRAP clear></WRAP>
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-|| [[|{{ :pub:home:softhis.png?w=450 |Softhis-SemanticWeb-ReadMore...}}]]+
-  * **2-16 December 2010** - GEIST supports [[|Legomotive Robots Competition]] organized by [[|BEST]]+|| We arbitrarily decide when to move the news item from this page to the "Archive" page
-|| {{gallery>:pub:home ?legomotive2010*&100x100&crop&lightbox}}+===== Archive ===== 
 +  * [[pub:archive|Read more...]]
-  * **2-11.12.2009** - GEIST supports [[|Legomotive Robots Competition]] organized by [[|BEST]]  
-  * **20.11.2009** - GEIST is a co-organizer of [[|Global Entrepreneurship Week]] at AGH 
-  * **19.10.2009** - GEIST prototype wiki goes online 
-  * ** 8.10.2009** - First Official GEIST Meeting 8-) 
pub/news.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/17 14:50 by mzk

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