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Dr. Grzegorz J. Nalepa


Grzegorz J. Nalepa, PhD (, www) holds a position of assistant professor in AGH UST in Krakow, Poland, Department of Automatics. Since 1995 he has been actively involved in number of research projects, including Regulus, Mirella, Adder, HeKatE and recently INDECT. His PhD, received from AGH UST in 2004 concerned new design methods for intelligent systems. Since 2007 he has been coordinating the HeKatE project, led by Prof. Antoni Ligeza (see He is the author of over 90 publications (see here), from the domains of knowledge engineering, intelligent systems and software engineering. His fields of interest also include computer security and operating systems. He formulated a new design and implementation approach for intelligent rule-based systems called XTT (eXtended Tabular Trees).

He is involved in several conferences and workshops, including DERIS@FLAIRS, RuleApps, AISEW, and KESE. Since 2008 he's been co-organizing the Knowledge and Software Engineering Workshop (KESE) at KI, the German AI conference.

He has been lecturing computer science courses in number of polish universities. He has been working with commercial companies preparing professional trainings in computer security and operating systems. He also took part in a number of curricula preparations, including graduate and postgraduate studies, for several universities.

He is an active user and supporter of free software and open source software.

For a full scientific resume see here.

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