====== The KESE2008 Workshop ======
The fourth workshop on Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering (KESE 2008) is held at the [[http://ki2008.dfki.uni-kl.de/|KI-2008]] in Kaiserslautern, Germany, and wants to bring together researchers and practitioners from both fields of software engineering and artificial intelligence.
The intention is to give ample space for exchanging latest research results as well as knowledge about practical experience.
This year we also encourage to submit tool presentations, i.e., system descriptions that clearly show the interaction between knowledge engineering and software engineering research and practice.
The previous KESE Workshops were held at the KI-2007, KI-2006, and KI-2005. See the [[start|KESE workshop series]] page for more information.
===== Proceedings =====
In December 2008 the [[http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-425|KESE2008 proceedings]] has been uploaded to [[http://ceur-ws.org|CEUR]].
===== Venue =====
Please note that on **Tuesday, September 23,** the KESE workshop will take
place at the main conference venue in Building 42 at the University of
===== WS Schedule =====
==== General ====
The KESE2008 workshop is organized on Tuesday, 23rd of September at the [[http://ki2008.dfki.uni-kl.de/|KI2008]]
The official KI2008 program is [[http://ki2008.dfki.uni-kl.de/index.php/conference/full-program|here]].
==== Schedule ====
=== Rules ===
//Time: 9.00 -> 10.00//
* Adrian Giurca and Emilian Pascalau. //JSON Rules//
* Grzegorz Nalepa and Igor Wojnicki. //Proposal of a Prolog-based Knowledge Wiki//
//Coffee break: 10:00 -> 10:30//
=== Agents and Web Semantics ===
//Time: 10.30 -> 11.50//
* Ion-Mircea Diaconescu, Adrian Giurca, Gerd Wagner and Jens Dietrich. //Towards a Mapping from ERDF(S) to Take Vocabulary// (short)
* Florian Ruh and Frieder Stolzenburg. //Translating Cooperative Strategies for Robot Behavior//
* Meike Reichle and Kerstin Bach. //Improving Result Adaptation through 2-step Retrieval//
//Lunch break: 11:50 -> 13:30//
=== Engineering ===
//Time: 13.30 -> 15.20//
* Grzegorz Nalepa and Krzysztof Kluza. //UML Representation Proposal for XTT Rule Design Method//
* Peter Kluegl, Martin Atzmueller and Frank Puppe. //Test-Driven Development of Complex Information Extraction Systems using TextMarker//
* Christoph Peylo. //On restaurants and requirements: how scripts may facilitate requirements engineering//
* Régis Newo and Klaus-Dieter Althoff. //Learning to Cope with Critical Situations - An Agent based Approach// (short)
//KESE Discussion and Workshop Closing: 15.20//
==== Presentation rules ====
* every presenter is asked to contact the organizers before the workshop starts, to confirm her/his presentation
* every presenter is expected to use his own laptop for presentation, if it is not possible let us know -- keep in mind we cannot provide you with a PPoint environment!
* regular presentations = 20 mins + 10 mins for discussion
* short presentations = 15 mins + 5 mins for discussion
===== Accepted papers =====
==== Regular papers ====
* Peter Kluegl, Martin Atzmueller and Frank Puppe. //Test-Driven Development of Complex Information Extraction Systems using TextMarker//
* Florian Ruh and Frieder Stolzenburg. //Translating Cooperative Strategies for Robot Behavior//
* Adrian Giurca and Emilian Pascalau. //JSON Rules//
* Meike Reichle and Kerstin Bach. //Improving Result Adaptation through 2-step Retrieval//
* Christoph Peylo. //On restaurants and requirements: how scripts may facilitate requirements engineering//
* Grzegorz Nalepa and Krzysztof Kluza. //UML Representation Proposal for XTT Rule Design Method//
* Grzegorz Nalepa and Igor Wojnicki. //Proposal of a Prolog-based Knowledge Wiki//
==== Short papers ====
* Ion-Mircea Diaconescu, Adrian Giurca, Gerd Wagner and Jens Dietrich. //Towards a Mapping from ERDF(S) to Take Vocabulary//
* Régis Newo and Klaus-Dieter Althoff. //Learning to Cope with Critical Situations - An Agent based Approach//
===== Aims and scope =====
Intelligent systems have been successfully developed in various domains based on techniques and tools from the fields of knowledge engineering and software engineering. Thus, declarative software engineering techniques have been established in many areas, such as knowledge systems, logic programming, constraint programming, and lately in the context of the Semantic Web and business rules.
===== Topics of Interest =====
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
==== AI in KESE ====
AI in software/knowledge engineering:
* Knowledge and experience management
* Declarative, logic-based approaches
* Constraint programming
* Agent-oriented software engineering
* Issues of maintenance
* Business Rules
==== KESE in AI ====
Knowledge/software engineering in AI:
* Engineering the Semantic Web
* Database and knowledge base management in AI systems
* Tools for intelligent systems
* Evaluation of (intelligent) systems
* Process models
===== Submission Details =====
Papers should be formatted according to the Springer [[http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html|LNCS guidelines]]. The length should not exceed 12 pages for regular papers and 6 pages for short papers (including figures and references).
All papers must be written in English and submitted in PDF format. Please submit your paper via [[http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=kese2008|EasyChair]] (http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=kese2008).
The submitted papers will be reviewed by at least two members of the program committee. A comfortable time slot for discussions will be given. The proceedings will be published as a technical report, and as [[http://sunsite.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/Publications/CEUR-WS/|CEUR Workshop Proceedings]] (CEUR-WS.org).
===== Important Dates =====
The KESE2008 workshop will take place at the 31st German AI Conference [[http://ki2008.dfki.uni-kl.de/|KI2008]] (Sep 23-26, 2008).
The important dates are as follows:
|Paper submission deadline: | June| 6, 2008|
|EXTENDED Paper submission deadline: | June| 13, 2008|
|Notification of paper acceptance: | July| 6, 2008|
|Camera ready copy submission: | July| 29, 2008|
|Workshop: | Sep| 23, 2008|
====== Organization ======
**KESE2008 Workshop Chairs:**
* [[http://home.agh.edu.pl/gjn|G. J. Nalepa]], AGH UST Krakow, Poland,
* [[http://ki.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/people/joba/|J. Baumeister]], University of Wurzburg, Germany,
**Program Committee:**
* K.-D. Althoff, University Hildesheim, Germany
* J. Baumeister, University Wurzburg, Germany
* J. Canadas, University of Almeria, Spain
* U. Geske, FhG FIRST, Berlin, Germany
* A. Giurca, BTU Cottbus, Germany
* R. Knauf, TU Ilmenau, Germany
* G. J. Nalepa, AGH UST, Krakow, Poland
* F. Puppe, University Wurzburg, Germany
* D. Seipel, University Wurzburg, Germany
* G. Weiss, SCCH, Austria
====== Downloads ======
* {{kese:kese08_cfp.pdf| Call for Papers}}
* {{kese08_cfp.txt| Call for Papers}}